You just need to interact with people. You'll figure it out as you go like the rest of us.
Or better yet- don't travel to the US.
Because the rule of law is broken.
I see that. But I think the point stands; a no confidence motion would make him look weak and provide opposition talking points. Better to just dissolve the house and get on with it
I don't think the jouse will sit again. He'll go to the GG and ask for parliament to be dissolved. Why have the government fall when he wants to go to the polls anyways?
It's my opener. I'm not writing paragraphs to be to told it sold weeks ago
Enjoy your invasion!
We've been selling them stuff. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I honestly don't know. I'm physically at the office 35 hours a week. But I'm a knowledge worker and the problems I deal with are always rattling around in my head. So I think about them while driving or at the gym. If there was a way to track that I suppose it might be 70+ hours.
Chemists have moved away from cis and trans partly because of all of this. We use zusammen-together or entgegen-opposite now. I can attest to how politically charged a class about organic molecules can become.
I am not deeply versed on the socio-cultural side of it all, and there is clearly space to learn. I am reluctant to let cis hinge on a doctor's proclamation but I'll let it sit there for the moment.
Thanks Petah.
Time. It's very slow but will get them in the end.