In league non-ranked matchmaking is pretty all over the place. It is also supposed to be mmr based. In a single session i can play vs everything from iron to emerald, how is it in dota?
I had read somewhere about it being in a rough state playerbase-wise, which i guess isnt true, but it is no longer receiving updates, right? Anyway, might check it out.
Hmm, is there a ranked mode for it?
I mean, ive played some dota in the past, i have about 200h on it, not nearly as much as league tho. But IME, especially for solo, league is just nicer overall. The mechanics for champions seem a lot more polished these days, and it is a lot more action focused, you have to worry about macro much less. The games are also like 50% shorter in league. As a solo player I find league to be a lot more laid back, where I can just play the champ more than play the game, if that makes sense.
To each their own of course, Im not saying one game is better than the other, but it is a hard sell to transition league to dota.
There’s realistic only DotA and I can understand the reluctance, the two games are massively different, League is much more suited for casual play.
I doubt there sustainable way around a kernel anticheat, that will not get you banned eventually. People either have to quit or dual boot.
It has been towed beyond the environment.
The game leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Stunlock fucked over their playerbase with Battlerite, shifted dev focus onto a Battle Royale, which was supposed to be a gamemode, made a standalone game, fractured the community, then took what they had so far and rehashed it for a yet another new game.
DE is abrasive, and that does help, but the main reason it works is because it is a desiccant, so like a silica packet it dehydrates the insect.
A tab of NTG is only 0.5mg, a drop of pure NTG (so around the size of the tab) would be in the ballpark of 125 mg, so the tablet contains very little NTG. Id wager a tiny pop if any.
The reason you experience the chills when you spike a fever is the brain sets the desired temperature higher and as a result you perceive cold at your current body temperature. And also why you feel like you are in a sauna when your fever breaks, because the inverse is true.
To be clear this set point does mean induction of peripheral actions to actually elevate the temperature, but the central component of this symphony is the hypothalamus.
There is a lot of uncertainty around fever signaling, here is a great summary of what we know.
Battlerite in it self was a second attempt by SLS, first was Bloodline Champions. Battlerite took what BLC was and made it super polished, I loved the gameplay, it was truly all skill, had a very WoW arena feel to it.
But it just seems that this is not a formT that people are into. On the one hand I get it, it is kind of sweaty, OTOH, the matches were super short.
Other notable examples of short burst fun competitive games, that just missed the mark for the general public: OmegaStrikers (basically as dead, still not quite there) and SpeedRunners (still a good pickup for playing with friends, if you strictly play together and don’t practice outside of your group, endless fun).