I usually go with meteoric iron, that's specific enough that they want to take a closer look
We aren't like other animals though, we are the top species when it comes to resource usage and waste per capita!
I think those are called amfibiphobes
Is fish just another name for vertebrates ?
Evil biologists might turn to galvanism to animate dead creatures
Because mammals got those mammaries. So deeply rooted that humans can't stop putting them even on non-mammals when we want to anthropomorphise in stories, myths and art
It's like having an EEEPC running XP rather than Linux
Goldmember got charisma in droves though
Some people has had issues with the moderation tools for meetings and connection to shared work files and note books via web, although the people having issues where on Chromebooks so might be different with Edge
Biggest issue is teams Id guess. The nonprofit deals MS gives small nonprofits with free 365 licenses and management is a huge one around here
So the US is planning wars involving Panama, Canada, Greenland and China while threatening EU and Mexico? It's all so random and spread out.