"Invasive" and "not native" are not interchangeable. Honeybees are not native to North America, but they are not an invasive species.
Fucking holly. Spreads like a weed where I live.
I wish mine were. He's not even sixty yet and I've already been helping my dad some. Partly due to mental health issues interfering with his ability to work and maintain relationships. I dread what the situation will be in a few years.
Also ivy. A curse on whoever first brought English ivy to the Americas.
I've got strawberries growing freely in my yard. I don't see a problem. It stays pretty low to the ground and doesn't out-compete everything like mint does.
Thank you! Time to lure some cats to the yard.
I've started planting veggies and herbs in my raised garden beds. Soon, more wildflowers for the bees. I'll be getting my yearly mason bees in a few days.
Even worse in Bones. Devoutly childfree woman becomes pregnant and then goes completely baby crazy. How insulting.
I have been a huge X-Files fan since the show was first released and I still have not seen the last few Dogget episodes because I just can't.
My first thought is whether they might be like the workers on the Great Wall of China, whose remains were entombed in it as they died.
You should plant some native wildflowers if you can. Especially purple and blue ones (bees see purple the best, much like humans see red).