
joined 2 years ago
[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 34 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I just took an edible and it's starting to kick in, but I still want to figure this out.

Getting stoned and getting the magic rocks in my homelab to do my bidding is one of my favourite ways to use up my time on this Earth.

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 day ago

looks like their product is intended to feel as close to Microsoft as possible

Maybe that's why they picked a name really easy to mistake for another office software suite, to mimic Microsoft's atrocious naming schemes :P

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 day ago

blind brothers and sisters

No gender-neutral language for our non-binary siblings? For shame, comrade.

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 day ago

This comment reminded me, I have met some people who played in a French/German improv league (LIBER). They're based in Berlin and perform in both French and German. I'm not sure how they incorporate both languages, but I believe it's just a free-for-all, speak what you want, answer in whatever type situation.

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

but eyeing OnlyOffice because of their cloud service.


[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 9 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Je ne m'attendais pas de voir un thread au sujet de l'impro sur Lemmy!

The improv match format you're referring to is ~~pretty much exclusively~~ mostly a thing in the Francophone scene. L'impro-match, or l'improvisation gravelienne, or l'impro style LNI started in the 70s' in Québec out of the experimental theatre scene in Montréal, before spreading to other French-speaking countries.

The closest I've found on the Anglo side of things is stuff like theatresports or the Canadian Improv Games. There are similarities but the hockey theming is absent and the formats vary in multiple ways.

EDIT: I found this improv league in Spanish in Argentina who follow the same format with a direct link to the OG Ligue Nationale d'Improvisation. Like I mentioned in a reply to another comment here, there's also LIBER in Berlin, who play in both French and German. When the referee reads the theme card, they specify if the improv will be in French, German, or a mix of both.

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Facts in and of themselves aren't biased. Bias is introduced when you consider which facts get broadcast, and which don't. The context in which facts are stated also adds bias. I think that bias is fundamentally inherent to humanity.

You're probably right about people ignoring bias markers, but I was thinking more "incorporating your bias consciously, rather than subconsciously, throughout the article" instead of a bio or blurb at the top.

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

Here's the link on Github. It doesn't seem to be on the main F-Droid repo, only IzzyOnDroid's, so I don't know why the other commenter tried to link to it on the main repo.

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 days ago

Crocs. Actual Crocs ^TM^ are like walking on a cloud of happiness; knock-offs are like walking with shoes made of dried-up old chewing gum.

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 3 points 3 days ago (4 children)

I think this is part of a larger issue, in which people, even a lot of journalists I know, see news media as this bastion of neutrality and facts. It's a noble goal, which I do think journalists should pursue, but in reality any news publication will have biases. Even just which news you decide to highlight can bring up bias, let alone the actual things you write about the news.

Things would be a lot better if every journalist, whether right-wing, left-wing, or centrist, were upfront about their views and how the environment they're in shapes them. Bias is unavoidable, but being upfront about your biases can at least properly frame your views.

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 6 points 3 days ago

I thought they drove on the left in Wales?

[–] Evkob@lemmy.ca 73 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), 27.9 per cent of New Brunswickers indicated having difficulties with their mental health in 2024. Additionally, Statistics Canada reports that New Brunswick has the third highest suicide rate among all Canadian provinces, with 15.1 deaths per population of 100,000. It is crucial that New Brunswickers have access to timely and effective mental health services.

Unfortunately, in New Brunswick there are limited and inadequate supports for individuals seeking mental health care.


Tandis que le comité de sages sur l’identité de genre formé par Québec s’apprête à déposer son rapport à la fin du mois, le Conseil québécois LGBT veut lui envoyer un message clair. « On s’attend à [ce qu’il n’y ait] aucun recul de nos droits et aucun recul dans l’accès aux services », lance, inquiet, le directeur général de l'organisme, James Galantino.

Même si la ministre Suzanne Roy, qui a mis sur pied le comité il y a plus d’un an, avait promis de ne pas revenir sur la question des droits existants, le contexte social et la "montée de la haine" nourrissent les appréhensions de M. Galantino.


Last week, Premier Susan Holt launched her weekly livestreamed press conferences on her government's tariff "action plan."

New Brunswickers got to know the media room Holt was using — and the image of leadership in crisis — during Blaine Higgs's frequent pandemic briefings, fed into laptop computers and smartphones.

The premier instead adopted the role of therapist-in-chief, pledging to use the weekly briefing to respond to questions sent to her office by anxious, frustrated New Brunswickers.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by Evkob@lemmy.ca to c/linuxmemes@lemmy.world

Image transcription:

root@my-little-server:~# echo "IF YOU CAN SEE THIS PLS DON'T HACK ME I'M POOR" >> /etc/motd

I'm ready to completely jump in to using decentralized, federated platforms, however most people I know aren't fully there. It strikes me that this moment in time, where a lot of people are newly actively aware and frustrated by Meta and Twitter's actions, is ideal to get people to switch over to new platforms.

To encourage people in my community to join platforms on the Fediverse, I want to host instances of various platforms (probably Mastodon and Pixelfed to start with). Having a specific instance on these platforms to point people towards would probably help a lot of the folks I know get on board.

However, I'm scared I'm not knowledgeable enough to admin these public instances for others. I know some basic networking, I self-host a bunch of stuff with Docker on an old laptop, and I definitely am smart enough to figure out how to start up instances of these platforms. However, I'm mostly concerned with whether I'd be able to properly maintain and secure these instances. I wouldn't want people to be soured on decentralized social media just because I don't know what I'm doing.

Any thoughts, words of encouragement, tips, warnings, etc. are welcomed!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Evkob@lemmy.ca to c/techsupport@lemmy.world

I have been using Quad9 for my DNS, setup at the router level, for months without issue. Today, I woke up and the internet wasn't working, and as the one in the house who self-hosts a couple things on an old laptop and thus tinkers with the router, I was the one my roommates looked at in a panic.

I figured I'd just do a factory reset, and it worked! And then stopped working when I changed the DNS from my ISP's servers to Quad9's. I can't even ping their servers from my home network.

Could my home IP have been banned from Quad9 for some reason? I truly can't imagine why.

EDIT: Update if anyone cares, it works now. I assume it was a problem somewhere between my network and Quad9's servers, since I didn't change any configurations to make it work.


Article en français (La Presse)

The Liberals under Susan Holt have won the majority of seats in the New Brunswick election.

At 9 p.m., with 80 per cent of the polls reporting, the Liberals were leading 31 ridings, the Progressive Conservatives were leading in 16 and the Greens were leading in two ridings.

Just before 9 p.m., CBC projected wins for Holt and Green Party Leader David Coon, who both ran for Fredericton seats, but PC Leader Blaine Higgs lost his Quispamsis riding to Liberal Aaron Kennedy.


Jake Moffatt was booking a flight to Toronto and asked the bot about the airline's bereavement rates – reduced fares provided in the event someone needs to travel due to the death of an immediate family member.

Moffatt said he was told that these fares could be claimed retroactively by completing a refund application within 90 days of the date the ticket was issued, and submitted a screenshot of his conversation with the bot as evidence supporting this claim.

The airline refused the refund because it said its policy was that bereavement fare could not, in fact, be claimed retroactively.

Air Canada argued that it could not be held liable for information provided by the bot.


Lien Streamable pour ceux qui ne veulent pas suivre le lien Twitter pour visionner le vidéo. Celui-ci expire 2 jours après la publication.

Patrick Déry:

« Il y a des jeunes, malheureusement, qui trouvent ça cool de sortir des mots an anglais ou de se parler en anglais. »

Manifestement, pas juste les jeunes! 🤣

PS. Priceless : le visage de M. Legault quand il cherche à comprendre sa bourde.

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