Any time an article references it I tend to read it but I have to admit I haven’t browsed it much myself. It’s a vital resource.
It never occurred to me that Canonical are no longer in the EU. I’ll definitely consider that next time I’m doing an install.
I’m fine with telemetry. I don’t code and I don’t believe any relationship should be all take on one side. So it’s a way for me to contribute. But EU GDPR is important to me.
As reformed distro hopper, I don’t necessarily relate performance to the distribution entirely. Different hardware configurations can make brand X look better or worse depending on what’s soldered to the board.
I have fond memories of SUSE. I would recommend Ubuntu first to anyone but I think I’ll try SUSE next based on your post.
He didn’t rule out BASIC so he good in my books.
Interesting. I had thought that instance was okay because when things like that happen, they are usually downvoted well into negative numbers. That’s the case in the example you linked to as well.But I never thought about the moderation problem.
Thanks. That’s kind of you and I appreciate it. I was being humorous but I did start to wonder if would make a comically gruesome feature for a funeral.
We decided not to get a pet taxidermied in the past for the same reason you mentioned.
Thanks again for being so decent.
I stopped watching new / incomplete shows after that.
There are many types of intelligence, though. So when I hear someone dismiss another as simply “stupid”, I’m sceptical of them too.
I like that one, thanks. I could probably enlist an apprentice serial killer to help with that. Although I’m not sure how I’ll issue him with his certificate.
I could die with those glasses that have the nose and moustache attached. Nobody world recognise me.
I do have a Roomba.
That’s: 10 PRINT “Ew...”