
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 15 points 4 hours ago

He only cares about laws when he wants to. He literally controls the internet over their head with Starlink. He could have uncensored Twitter on there and FYIWDWYTM. He isn't powerless. He is, once again, selectively deciding who gets free speech.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Lemon cream pasta with a salad using some of the pickled redbud flowers I made.

Buried in the pasta is the one asparagus sprig I found in my garden today. Three years after starting from seeds and I finally got one asparagus. Hopefully I'll get more. Next time I'll spring for rhizones instead of seed.

The lettuce was a barter for goose eggs so it was free. Croutons were leftovers looking for a purpose. Redbuds practically free.

So not including the salad this was $2.52 a person.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I intentionally avoided doing this with a dog because I knew a chicken was more likely to cause an error. You would think that it would have known that man is a fatherless biped and avoided this error.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

That's actually a decent trailer. Not to much. Minimum talking. You know what kind of movie it will be without giving it away.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago (5 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

Frequent sharpening and green wood help.


Potatoes au graten and the half a rotisserie chicken leftover from the rolled tacos the other day.

Cost: $4.00 a person.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

My first egg cost me $600. I'm 7 years in and if it weren't for the fact that egg prices have escalated so much I'd still be losing money on every single egg because the industrialization of eggs makes it less expensive to buying them under normal circumstances.

Now let's talk about the reason they're currently expensive. Bird flu. Imagine every yard with chickens in it. Instead of a few locations to protect, you now have hundreds of millions. Which results in billions of potential vectors for the spread of disease.

I know everyday that I could walk outside and find my birds sick with the bird flu because some bird pooped by flying overhead. I may have to cull my entire flock of a dozen or so chickens, six five ducks and seven geese. And then when I decide to replace them I'm going to be priced out of the market by everyone else replacing their birds.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

That's the rub.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 3 days ago

Bluesky isn't Twitter. That's all that mattered to most people. A few influential people went there first and the network effect kicked in.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 3 days ago (10 children)

Yes and no. Free range in America means "raised in a huge building and never seeing sunlight." Basically what separates them from cage free is that thousands of birds all share one giant cage instead of four birds to a cage inside the larger cage.

Pasture raised are the ones that get to go outside and eat bugs in the sunshine.


I had to remove a large limb from my pecan tree. Which meant I had some fodder for new kitchen spoons.


Tuna melts on sourdough with avocado, pepperoncini and brined redbud flour buds. Side of both Nacho and Cool Ranch Doritos because reasons. The same reasons that two high people told me this was the best sandwich ever.

Cost: $4.14 per person.


Breakfast is a fried goose egg sandwich on sourdough. Instead of salt I used some brined redbud flowers which are kinda like a caper substitute.

Cost per person is probably 80¢ because the goose egg and redbud came from my yard so all I'm really paying for is bread, butter, and for the redbud some salt and vinegar.


One of the things I deeply miss about living in California is unlimited access to rolled taquitos. They don't exist in my area of The South even at the best of Mexican places.

I got up today on a mission and took half a rotisserie chicken and some corn tortillas and wrapped everything up and put them in the chest freezer to be ready for dinner time deep frying. I wanted this to be as close to the real thing as possible so I made way too much guacamole and got some cotija cheese in advance for this. The cheese isn't perfect. The proper cheese has chili paste coating the rind. But this will do.

Shakshuka? (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A variation on shakshuka. More cumin and chili powder, black beans, cotija cheese, avocado.


Granola is pecan and craisins. Definitely make it at home instead of buying it.

Cost of the granola is $9.01 total or 81¢ per 11 ounces instead of 2.69 for Walmart brand granola.

Rule (lemmy.world)

My wife is starting a rewatch of Buffy for a Facebook group project. Part of that rewatch is going to be focusing on what Dawn's role and influence in each episode was since people tend to ignore her in the early seasons.

To start this project off right she asked for popcorn with flaked red pepper dark chocolate. If you are going to do something do it right.


Leftover lumberjack food (potatoes, kielbasa, peppers and onions baked in the oven) that's been in the freezer with cheese and sour cream. Leftover cornbread and a fried goose egg that had to break and ruin a perfect picture opportunity. Goose egg yolks love to break unless you are extra careful.

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