So here I am…
Dragonball Z Abridged Highly, highly recommend this to give you both a comedic take and also carry you through the story in an abridged fashion.
I've never been able to look at Nappa the same again... Or Mr Popo
A real loaf you've got right there.
I'll see myself out...
"Brought to you by Carl's Jr."
IRL Shambling Mound was my first thought when I saw the picture.
'Despite the technical problems outlined in our own review of Cities Skylines 2, Colossal Order says the game is “ready enough to be released.”'
Next time they're at a restaurant someone should bring them undercooked chicken that looks done on the outside but is raw in the center. When they complain? "The chicken was ready enough to serve"
For me it's a mixture of the same day receipt of the item and the unreliability of Amazon lately.
Amazon does nothing to honor the times they promise. When a "next day" delivery is suddenly a two day delivery they just quietly update the estimate and don't compensate for the delay. At least buying from a store with local pickup, I'm getting it when I expect.