Community for asking and answering any question related to the life, the people or anything related to the USA. Non-US people are welcome to provide their perspective! Please keep in mind:
- [email protected] - politics in our daily lives is inescapable, but please post overtly political things there rather than here
- [email protected] - similarly things with the goal of overt agitation have their place, which is there rather than here
- Be nice or gtfo
- Discussions of overt political or agitation nature belong elsewhere
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Your career as a crash test dummy was exciting, but brief
You discovered that Nicole the Fediverse Chick isn't really a Polish girl from Toronto
You just realized that it wasn't really Microsoft technical support that you gave root access to on
For NOW...
You just discovered that some people enjoy holding hands (in public!) and this has shocked you to your core.
Oh my stars! How disgraceful.
Your friend tried to get you to try new pizza toppings, but you only like pepperoni so you picked off everything else.
You're a soil scientist that replicated an important study about erosion and fault lines.
That damn mosquito kept you awake all night.
You had an eye exam and couldn't even read the first line because you're legally blind.
You discovered that Hell is real, but only Muppets have souls and can go there
Not anywhere close to as good as it is for the girl in the gif.
She just found out that it's legal to drink ketchup straight from the bottle
Edit: I was gonna go with my favorite gif (below), but I didn't want people to think that I was like... crazy or something!? :-P
You spent the week being a fabulous person and a productive member of society and you are not behind me right now as I type this
There's no AI behind chatgpt, it's just you typing really fast, and this is what it looks like when you're busy.
I cried I wept I lost my mind…
This may cheer you up:
This made it worse! The closing tide…
Awful. All this extra societal stress is causing absurd levels of muscle soreness. Everything hurts. We are no longer a democracy and, being autistic, I am a target.
Yeah, things are not looking great, but @[email protected] captures my attitude pretty well with this image:
Hoping that the MAGAts turn on Musk/Trump like the hyenas from the Lion King when consequences start happening, but in the meantime that's my vibe 👆
Keep in mind that everyone is a target. You will most likely slip through the cracks.
You were this close 🤏 to a proof that P=NP before being jolted awake by aliens ensuring that humanity will never find it.
You learned to dance a haka, but you have all the coordination of Elaine from Seinfeld.
Edit: sorry, this sounds a bit more dickish than I intended.
No, it's entirely true. It doesn't matter though because it intimidates my enemies regardless