And yet one is being introduced - almost like precedence doesn't matter anymore.
How much vote tax is acceptable? You say $200 every 10 years is fine. Would $1000 every ten years also be fine? $10,000? Where's the limit?
Officer? This man right there.
Roughly 1/7 SSNs are issued twice. SSNs are recycled, used multiple times, all that good stuff.
This is why it's incredibly dangerous when people assume they are unique.
Or because the government has no business being able to distinguish between people with the same name?
Seems like an objectively terrible approach, considering people with the same name have gotten the same SSN before.
Such an ID would have to be unique.
One wants to murder your hand instead of getting belly rubs, the other wants to murder your hand while getting belly rubs.
Hot damn
Before releasing another Ubi-Flop?
No, Europeans
It's the Calico. No other type can be this judgy.