
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Now it's time to enable your special ability to half-ass the whole project in record time.

[–] 9 points 11 hours ago

It'd basically do nothing yeah. I guess it'd be another card you could put an edition on, and could give a little boost to things like Abstract Joker or Swashbuckler. It could also be negative, which would be far more useful.

[–] 13 points 19 hours ago

You post shit? Well well, you've come to the right place!

[–] 7 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

Congrats, that's awesome! Honestly unsure how I'd even tackle it when I get there, it seems like it would require a ton of luck. What was your strategy for this run?

[–] 2 points 19 hours ago

Ooh I like that! Basically the only thing we can do currently is increase the chances for the cards to break, which technically does have some synergy with a few jokers. I guess the only question I have is do you think the otherwise -1 joker slot with no other effect is enough balance, or if glass cards which would've broken could get a crack (like tempered glass) and maybe offer less mult (e.g. 1.5x) for future hands?

[–] 8 points 1 day ago

I use Krita for everything, I love it so much. I also won't act like it's perfect either, despite it being my most used software by a landslide. Personally my biggest desire now is improved workflow for text editing (e.g. editing text directly on the canvas, being able to box and justify text, vector pathing for text so you can make it bend or wave). From what I understand it is something that is being worked on, and I will be even more indebted to the wonderful folks at KDE once further progress is made on that front.


A few of the recent posts I've seen here were about custom jokers, so I figured I'd share mine and ask others here. It doesn't have to be drawn out, but if you ever spent some time thinking about one, I'm interested to hear about it! Speaking of, here is what mine is about:

Ain't Goin Nowhere infodumpThis card is a homage to those people who overload their trucks in hardware stores, the ones who will tap the vehicle and say "That ain't goin nowhere!" It's a magical incantation, and something I thought would be fun to represent as an effect.

I tried to make it clear enough with the limited typing space you'd get, but that leaves out a lot of the tangential info of course. When I say Joker chips and mult can't decrease, think about the many cards which offer an unconditional trigger of these things in a given hand. When the trigger is unconditional, there tends to be an external condition which needs to be fulfilled, which can either decrease or reset (e.g. Hit The Road Jack, Ride The Bus). A joker can also be perishable and lose chips and mult over time (e.g. Popcorn, Ice Cream). Ain't Goin Nowhere would effectively prevent any of these from providing less than the maximum mult they've given since when this Joker was added to your run.

An important note though would be that these cards would still both perish and reset or decrease as normal, but would never provide that lower value, instead waiting for you to meet the conditions to increase it beyond your current maximum.

The second aspect of the Joker is that you cannot sell other jokers (as in, only this Joker can be sold while it's in play). This is functionally related to ratcheting down everything, and also a penalty to work around if you want to try and work with the potentially quite powerful effect. If you have fewer than the maximum amount of Jokers, you can buy more, but once bought, they are stuck there unless they either perish or are destroyed (e.g. Gros Michel, Ceremonial Dagger). You need to be mindful of anything you pick up, or you'll have to sell this card and change your strategy.

The best time to get this card would likely be once you have some established Jokers, and a rare conditional xMult card (e.g. Campfire) or an economy card like Bull or Bootstraps. Something that has synergy in a way where you can just massively inflate it and lock it in for the rest of the run. Verdant Leaf would destroy you though.

Credit: Typeface is m6x11plus by Daniel Linssen.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago

Two? Upgrades people, UPGRADES!

[–] 10 points 2 days ago

Well if you want something else to watch, consider watching your mouth mister! I pay good money to aimlessly scroll around on the main menu of those...

[–] 15 points 2 days ago

Probably AI search results telling the kid to add glue to the waffle mix, to keep it from being too runny or something.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Trouble. I'm cooking trouble.

Also this is an irl community, could you please title this post a word, followed by _irl (e.g. cooking_irl). Thanks! Also there's a watermark, but still name the artists somewhere in the title or post body, in this case Suitedwolf.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Never thought I'd be envious of a green text, but that sounds like the best night ever.

I am BEGGING you show me your plushie friends and talk about them! Anyone, please!

Ears_irl (OC) (

Tinnitus is like a telemarketer, it just won't stop ringing.

Source: PeerTube


Welcome to Furry_irl!

This post will serve as a more detailed version of the sidebar rules for the community, and also as a place for community members to leave meta comments (e.g. discussion about rules to add, things to change, etc).

Rule details

Rule details

0. Code of Conduct — Follow our instance rules.

The Code of Conduct and it's included CW Policy cover most of the basic stuff you'd expect regarding illegal content, bigotry, harassment, marking obvious pornographic material as NSFW and the like. Regardless, do read through it if you haven't already. In regards to the CW policy, here are some addendums for this community in particular:

Overt suicidal themes — Characters depicted as imminently or having already committed suicide must be CWd (on Lemmy this means marked as NSFW, and with text in the body such as 'suicide' such that users can filter it). More absurd Wile E. Coyote type slapstick like a falling grand piano or rocketing to the sun are fine as is, but if it features methods people typically use to actually end their lives, please be courteous.

General weed usage — CoC 5.1.4 mentions all schedule I and II drugs. I believe weed is still erroneously labeled as a schedule I substance in the US, despite having medicinal usage, and also being fully legal in many states. If your furry meme comic has a bong in frame, or your character has red eyes, I'm not coming after it if it's not CWd. This obviously doesn't extend to depictions of abuse / misuse.

1. Post formatting — All titles should be a single word, followed by _irl. An emoji may substitute the underscore.

If you're familiar with other irl communities, post formatting rules like this are likely second nature already. Pick any word (typically something vaguely related to the post) and you're golden. If you're not sure, just title it furry_irl. Capitalization doesn't matter.

2. Credit artists — If it’s not your art, include who made it in the title or the post body. Links are appreciated, except to X/Twitter.

Artists should be credited when you share their images. At a minimum, include an artist's username when rummaging about your phone to dump your furry memes. This can be in the title (e.g. Furry_irl (by UserName)), in the post body, or both. Furthermore, direct links to where the artist is are greatly appreciated in the post body, unless it is to the Nazi owned platform Twitter / X. Do not link there, or to any website which scrapes its data (e.g. xcancel).

If you're posting your own art to Furry_irl, first off, thank you! Second off, please give some form of indication it's OC in the title or post body. Anything from just saying the word, to talking about drawing it or taking the photo. You could also put a link to where to find well, you, if you'd like!

I do not expect specific artist credits for captioned images sourced from large corporations, such as big TV shows, movies, or video games. This rule is to ensure indie artists are given their dues, and can be discovered by others easier.

3. Stay on topic — Images should contain or be related to furries. Images should be relatable or a meme. This isn’t the place for general art posts.

There isn't much to expand upon here, but here are some explicit examples of furry posts to avoid for this community:

  • General art of any kind without a joke or relatable experience. If the image has no text, it likely shouldn't be here.
  • Comics spanning multiple pages/posts to tell a story. Comics posted here should be short form (e.g. 4-panel humor).
  • Character reference sheets
  • Legitimate commission or purchase ads of any kind (e.g. custom pieces, YCHs, adpots, refsheets). Jokes containing fake ads are fine of course.

4. Avoid AI images — Our fandom has countless artists, please share their (or your own) labors of love instead.

We have a vast artist pool, and that vast pool tends to absolutely hate anything to do with generative AI. Please be courteous to them and others by not posting such generations here. You should know explicitly who made the art before posting anyway, so this should be a fairly simple request.

I do not condone AI witch-hunt accusations. Don't be antagonistic in post comments. If there is definitive proof a sourced image is generated, include relevant link(s) in a report. I will not act on 'vibes'.

Past posts

Some posts made before 2025/02/18 are likely breaking some of the new community specific rules. They will be considered grandfathered.


Posts that break the rules will be removed at moderator discretion. If you do not include artist credit, I may request you add it, and give you some time to modify the post first.

If you make a habit of me removing your posts, I will remove you from being able to post.

Meta discussion

Meta discussion

Any questions, comments, critique, or suggestions regarding this community can be posted here and discussed openly.

I am trying to provide some sensible supplemental rules, and write down things people seemed to know already (such as the furry_irl post formatting style). If community members think something isn't a good fit, I want to hear about it so it can be evaluated. Overall, I feel the community has been decent about self regulating, and I'm not expecting the supplemental rules to change much, besides a request for who made some art here and there.

I am also adding some basic flair to the community (an icon and banner) so that it is no longer barren. Please consider these placeholders instead of anything I am particularly dead-set on keeping around. It's just some basic vector graphics I created in Krita. If you have ideas, or wish to submit art (it must be your own art), I highly encourage you to do so. If several people are interested, we could turn it into a community vote event, or make it some sort of collab!

Please share your voice, I want the community to have a proper say in how it looks and is run. Thank you!

PS: The post image is OC, I drew it specifically for this write-up.


I got an email on Tuesday from the FSF that today was I love free software day, so I decided to make some art in appreciation of a community responsible for creating and maintaining so many wonderful programs! Thank you dearly to KDE for all that you do. As an artist, I use Krita so often for all sorts of things, and I am so grateful it exists.

I could gush about a number of projects under your wing, but to keep this short, you empower people like me to have a freer digital world in so many ways. I appreciate you!

PS: I read the art guidelines, and license this as CC-BY-SA


I sketched this out like a week from the inaguration, but it took until today to finish it. I feel worse than when I made the sketch, but at least I got it done.

For people with filters: Politics Trump Elon


Sometimes dumb ideas don't leave until I draw them.


Can you believe it guys? Christmas, just a week away! Christmas is in a week! Woo-hoo! I am so happy about this information.


Happy Halloween to all of those who celebrate! I love this time of year, and I love this holiday. Here's a some pixel art I made while having fun trying to capture that silly, spooky feeling I like so much.

I Voted! (

Early voting is happening in a lot of places across the US. If you have the means to do so, please don't forget to cast your ballot!

I am also releasing the 'I voted' sticker and its Krita work-file for anyone to freely use, adapt, modify, and distribute. It is a vector graphic, so it can be resized infinitely. Type used is Baloo, which is SIL Open Font Licensed, and included with the work-file.


When the lights go out without warning, you're still here to bear the night.

Had a go at 1-bit pixel art and made this vent piece.

Alt textA low resolution 1-bit (2 color) pixel art image. Pictured is an anthro fox Foxfire sitting on the ground behind a lantern. The lantern has burned out and smoke is rising upward. Foxfire is looking down at the lantern with a sad expression. The bottom of the image says Lights - out.


One can only dream of having such a power.

Haven't really used the toon force much, so here's something absurd that I had a lot of fun making!

Alt textA digital comic starring two characters, a Foxfire and Pass-Man. Foxfire is an anthro red fox with reddish-brown fur, blue eyes, dark gray paws, cream colored muzzle and tail tip. Pass Man is an anthro, buff orange lion, sporting a brown mane and a superhero style lime green suit and yellow cape. The suit has an emblem in the middle which is an open lock with two astericks inside it. Pass Man is humbly smiling with his eyes closed, standing next to a computer desk with a login page open. Foxfire is staring, wide-eyed with a giant open mouth beaming expression. Foxfire asks Pass Man "What's your superpower?"

In the second panel Pass Man stares directly at the viewer, one paw bean pointing upward. He has a confident expression, mouth open and behind a backdrop of alternating light yellow lines. He says "I don't retype my whole password if I make a typo while logging in."

The third and fourth panel have become one in the same, as both have collided together. The borders are crushed and expanded at the center, and the divide between the two has shattered, chunks of comic border whizzing by. A whole manner of decor has been destroyed. Drywall exposed from peeling paint, cracks across the room, the computer screen now black, upside-down and airborn. A shelf, broken and barely hanging by a single screw, the ceiling light has fallen out, wires exposed, leaves from a plant slowly falling to the ground, and a plushie flying off screen. Foxfire has grabbed Pass Man literally through the panels, pressing his nose up to his, stars in his eyes. Pass Man has a shocked expression, pupils heavily shrunk. His cape is upward, still reacting to the force of the pull and sudden stop. Foxfire says "Wow! So cool!" Foxfire's tail is hanging out of the panel.

Bottom of the comic has text which reads "Foxfire - Pass Man-ager".


Drew my best friend and little sister Stealthy! Went with a lineless approach because it seemed like it'd be a challenge and I hadn't done it in a while.

Alt TextA lineless digital drawing of an MtF cyan anthro fox named Stealthy. She has black ears, black paws, and black tips on her long cyan hair, some of which is covering your left (her right) side of the face. She has a white muzzle, turquoise eyes, a gray band above her nose and the middle of her tail, white claws, pink paw beans, and a white tail tip with a black zig-zag separating the tip from the rest of the cyan tail. She's wearing a cozy turquoise sweater, along with a darker turquoise skirt.

Stealthy is beaming with a large, open mouth, fangs visible smile. She is waving her right (your left) arm up to say hello. She is standing on top of a large, cylindrical purple podium, and behind her is a light lavender backdrop with a few large darker wavy lines, along with a few white stars which dot the area. Beside her foot-paws is text on the ground which reads "Stealthy"

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