It's a dumb headline because there are definitely people paying attention, just not the right people.
The article did mention that black mothers are much more likely to have CPS called on them when coming in for prenatal care and that legal matters around pregnancy "overwhelmingly target black and brown women". The article seems to support that notion. However, there are a lot of elements to this case that make it very unique, even without racial consideration.
If over the course of 100 years, nothing more newsworthy has prevailed to get people's attention, that the doom and gloom of a century ago is the same as it is today, it's saying something about the world in general that we haven't changed. Should we have changed in 100 years? I'd like to think so, but as I get older I know that's a pretty optimistic view of things.
That author's paragraph out of context could mean a lot of different things which we can leave up to each viewer to decide.
I def used "one armed scissor" as a screen name back in high school.