Does anyone need anything besides rimworld and factorio??
I started you a slow clap. Neither one of my dogs joined in, but I just wanted you to know I tried.
Can't speak to if it'll work in this instance. But if you make a new save and then overwrite that one with your actual save has worked for me in the past.
Kidnapping CEOs are effective measures for getting paid... Interesting....
I had cystic acne growing up and was put on Acutane. It worked great but I'm pretty much permanently thirsty now. Outside of that, face scrubs and no make-up would be your best bet. -Not a medical professional
Yep, you're welcome.
I can't figure out what the power button goes to, someone help me.
Story was interesting but combat was a joke, way to easy to become overpowered. Never finished it.
Legend of dragoon and legend of dragoon but if I can't have those, legend of dragoon...
*Not a therapist
I have been guilty of this myself. I found that just saying it aloud helps. Unless you are actively seeking advice from someone you might try voicing it aloud or if you need a human element, you could try talking to a mirror. I'm sure you've heard it before but exercise can also help. Not sure what your work situation looks like but if it's an office environment maybe take a lap around the cube farm or something similar. Hope it helps. Best of luck to ya, I'm rooting for ya.
Sanderson did an interview and said it's not his style, think he recommended Joe Abercrombie be the one to finish it but it's been a while.