Well get off your ass and finish a fucking book and maybe you wouldn't have this problem GEORGE
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He has made his bank and has no major incentive to finish the series. It’s been 13 years, the guy is 76, and he’s supposedly got two books left to go.
My money is on Sanderson getting handed the notes after Martin dies and bringing the series to an unsatisfying conclusion because, at this point, nothing will be satisfying.
Sanderson was a huge Wheel of Time fan which is part of why he could take over and finish that series. The dude reread the series after every book came out. I don't know if he's as huge of a fan of Game of Thrones.
Yeah, Sanderson is my favorite author of all time but I don't see him finishing Game of Thrones. It's a completely different style from what he writes, he probably wouldn't even enjoy writing it, and tbh I don't even think he would do a good job of it.
He talked about this 8 years ago on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiaf/comments/4uwjq9/spoilers_everything_twow_isnt_coming_this_year_is/d6lotl1?context=3
He agrees with you. It's not his style, he doesn't think he's the right person for the job, and would decline if asked to do it.
And to the point made by @Albbi@lemmy.ca, at the time he had only read the first book so it doesn't seem that he's in the "huge fan" category.
Maybe something has changed since then but I really doubt it.
While you are supporting me on that other point, I have to say, Sanderson was a HUGE fan of Robert Jordan
I should have worded that better. I meant that he's not a huge fan of ASOIAF so it's quite different from the WoT situation.
Ah that makes sense, didnt even occur to me that you could have been talking about ASOIAF haha
He actually had a writer's circle that will probably be tapped to finish the job.
It's about angels fucking things up for feudal humans who ride dinosaurs.
It's wild, and I unironically love it.
There's absolutely no way he'd have a gotten a blurb from Martin if they weren't friends, but it's either one of those guys or someone like Joe Abercrombie.
Oh yeah it's way too late. The damage to ASOIAF has been done. I'd rather just let it die.
Book readers would probably disagree
I read them like 5 times, no lie. I loved those books. Seriously. I spent so much time on /r/asoiaf, I had thousands and thousands of karma from there. I was really, really into it.
At this point I'm fine with letting it be dead. There are other books to read.
The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.
Ah to each there own for me I'm going crazy not knowing 'his' ending tbh
hotd really got me reinvested in the series, not for the asoiaf characters, but i just really want to know about the world more, i need to understand the magic more, what went down in valeria, and the children of the forest, stoneheart, the lore behind the wights and lord of light. other than davos, i could not care less what happens to these people and i never finished the hbo series, but i could only imagine that how they had me for davos something terrible must befall him but really i don't care to know that, but i know sanderson would be able to mop up all these tasty drippings for me and he'd be so caught up in enjoying his interpretation of the lore, that he'd forget to condense it, and i'm totally here for that
Right there.
:( lol
I read the books, and after the show I've lost all interest. the two final books could miraculously come out today and I wouldn't care in the slightest.
Nah, I read the books as they came out, loved them, went to book signings and everything. I waited furiously for him to finish the next one, and finally gave up on him years ago after he released some sample chapters, went silent, and then started getting nasty with anyone who asked him when he would be done. He’s not going to finish the series, and that’s fine, but I wish he would respect his fans and be honest about it. I genuinely don’t care about his characters anymore. Plenty of other better books to read.
Sanderson did an interview and said it's not his style, think he recommended Joe Abercrombie be the one to finish it but it's been a while.
"50 years later..."
All is good now! Yay!
So he was never making art in the first place? Glad I never went anywhere near that franchise.
You know what else is annoying? When an author writes five out of six wildly popular books and leaves his fans hanging after they committed over ten years into reading them.
He's had how many decades to finish his series?
The Last of Us changed the Bill character for the better. Thats only one example though. Fight Club comes to mind, even Palahniuk said Fincher made a good changes
Neil Druckman said that nothing is allowed to be changed unless it’s an improvement on the game’s story. I think it’s really important to have the initial writer/creator’s input on everything. Too many movies and TV shows just stray too far from the source material and disappoint everyone.
Eh, I view it more as "This is a better, but different Bill." There's a place for paranoid hoarding weirdos in your zombie stories, don't take that away from them.
You're always trying to take things from them...
Since the shitty ending he wanted tested so poorly, he should pivot. White walkers win, fuck the world. Heroes don’t always win. He’s kinda of that opinion already
The thing is, with enough background and time many of the endings we got make sense.
- Bran becoming King. Makes sense if planned out by Bloodraven. He's been slowly moving things around and controlling the fates of others to ensure he is in control when the white walkers attack. (It's possible it will be more of a dictator situation rather than king, or he will control/heavily advise whomever is the "king")
- Dany going "mad". (f)Aegon is a huge problem for her conquest. She has been told her whole life she is meant to save Westeros. She has put in all the time and effort. She has dragons. But is she a savior or a conqueror?
- Jon ultimately killing Dany. A lot will change in the lead up, but it probably roughly plays our similarly.
- Varys killed by Dany. I assume related to the (f)Aegon plot. He isn't going to join Dany in Essos. He'll just be on the wrong side of things.
There is plenty more. The issue of course is that you need A LOT more story you need to tell. And the books have a lot more characters. And we need to rewind a handful of stories that show already closed off much earlier. So I understand that there is a lot to write. But also, I agree it's been soooooo long.
I'd always thought that the theme was that the White Walkers weren't a world ender: it'd just end pseudo-Britain. The world is a bigger place than your corner of it, no matter how important it seems to you.
is he talking about dune?
"... without asking how he’s balancing these projects with the long-awaited sixth and final book, The Winds of Winter, in his A Song of Ice and Fire series."
If only... I might have hopes if he only had Winds to finish. But there's also A Dream of Spring and that will never see the light of day. At least not written by Martin.
I sometimes wonder how far he got, then saw the negative reaction to the end of GoT and went Sod it, I'm not rewriting all of that ...
My personal conspiracy theory is that they’re mostly done and he’s just going to wait to release them when he’s dead. Then he doesn’t have to hear everyone bitching about it lol
My theory is that they aren't near done. They will be finished by a publisher after he's dead using AI. They will be awful but everyone will buy them anyway.
Then there will be a new miniseries based on the books after around 10 years that they'll call a reboot and definitive edition. This miniseries will probably be directed by AI. And it will be SHIT. And they'll make tons of money.
~~Too bad we didn't get an accurate towards the source material Forrest Gump movie~~
Edit: Too bad we didn't get a Forrest Gump movie that stuck to the source material
That was hard for us - outside your head - to read. If only there were some additional markings, like spicy dots, that you could have put in there to delineate sub-clauses and such; and help reproduce the sentence flow you were imagining.
Honestly, after I posted it, I reread it and totally agree with what you're saying. I also didn't really care to spend the time editing it as I felt it was good enough for a silly lemmy comment on a post with very little engagement.
Oh, hey, George? I think I have something for you here, I have it in my pocket, just let me pull it out.... yah, there, got it.
Go fuck yourself, George.
Everyone mad he hasn't finished a book has never written a book