I like to leave the article title as is, but then add the game afterwards "clickbait description here (actual game title)"
I love them but the limited call is and can't reload makes me skip them.
The factory must grow
That sounds like one of my parents. They are a narcissist.
They're doing it to save face and appear nice. They know they rules of society and push them as far as they can to gain advantage. If they know that being mean to you gets the same results as being nice, they will be mean.
Lemmy is cheaper. Some don't have health insurance or do but it's garbage tier insurance.
The "work yourself to death" is a stupid boomer concept. It's a hugely negative aspect of traditional masculinity.
When people say weird stuff like this, I always question why. Why would you have a kid and then work so hard to be away from it? Why would you work for a company that will lay you off the moment it earns them a higher stock price to do so? (no modern company deserves your loyalty.) Why would you brag about suffering instead of relaxing?
I understand that we're all wired differently but those values literally don't make sense to me.
I wish. No one IRL treats me like this. Everyone's eyes glaze over or they freak out. There is no support.
Every vote counts. For Democracy!
This is my life story. Every day, I understand more and get closer to "old man lives alone with his dog in the woods"
Oooh this may be it. I've been told before that I do this. (the first paragraph)
Tell my grandfather to get his heart checked out. He died too young. I'd love to see just how much sense he'd beat into my father, who is a complete garbage can of a person.