
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It's actually insane knowing that so many people on this planet live in extreme poverty, in slums, have no safe access to food and water and yet we have many single humans buying 15 cars, villas worth 15 million, yachts etc.

At this point I shouldn't take me out of the equation because even though I am not rich I still buy useless stuff I might not need and someone else needs the money more than I do.

But I just can't wrap my head around that a lot of individuals have so much money. No human should have 10x more than an average person needs. What justifies someone making albums and selling them for 15$ and that person earns 20 million $ cause so many people buy the album for 15$. At some point the money should flow to programs or other things that benefit society.

Sure the album is great, thats why it is selling, but why a nurse for example is doing hard work and just will never earn that money. I'm pretty sure most nurses have done a lot more things during their career that SHOULD be worth millions. But thats not the point. Even nurses shouldn't have more than 10x what they need. No one needs it. It's great to have but no one needs it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Very beautiful.

Just curious but why did you paint those electricity poles on the picture? I haven't been to USA yet but in my country it is in underground. Do they not do that in the USA? Is that easier to maintain perhaps?

Would like to understand this because I can't afford vacation and in my home country (africa) it is now underground since like 2005


Guten Morgen.

Habt ihr vor weiterhin Feddit, Lemmy, Beehaw oder was auch immer das hier ist zu nutzen oder wechselt ihr wieder zu Reddit?

Die Experience ist ähnlich aber dennoch exquisit, als hätte man alle positive Eigenschaften von Herrn Habeck, Scholz und Lindner extrahiert und in einem Martini eingeträufelt. Die Intelligenz von Herrn Habeck, die Motivation von Herr Scholz und die Schönheit von Herr Lindner - alles vereint - Intelligenz, Schönheit und Motivation - und das negative entfernt.

So würde ich Feddit beschreiben.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I so.etimes think it would be cool to get detailed stats on what a person did in his or her whole life. Like what effect the butterfly effect had.

How many people did I accidently kill by extending a smalltalk, a phone call,....? How many people did I accidently keep alive by declining for example a Tour? Imagine argueing with someone that cant Board a plane and finding out its your fault he survived cause you denied him to enter the aircraft.

How many people were Born because I was the reason two people met? How much did I increase/ decrease the pace of human progresse? Maybe my son could have been a good scientist and terraform Mars with his Team if I wouldnt have moved 50 Miles away?

Those arevthe things I am asking myself.

I really wonder though how many people I passively killed and saved just by simpley existing.

If I could get details of the Events it would be even cooler. For example: Saved a male, 34 years old. Now I click on that Event and it shows more details: 11th February 2005 you saved John Parker by calling him that you forgot your jacket at his place yesterday and telling him to go back inside and get it. He would have been hit by a a drunk driver 5 minutes later but your call avoided it. Because you avoided his death, the drunk driver hit a different car with a mother and 2 children but still survived.

Or snother scenario: Twin girls born because of false Taxi location. Hit details and this happens: 26th April 1999 twins were born, Maria and Sarah. The reason for their birth was the taxi you called to the wrong location. He met a lady and they got to know each other and made babies.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't think that will prevent obese people from being obese since they are mostly the rich people. The only thing that could help against obesity is better healthcare education and not increasing the price of sugar and food that has high amounts of sugar in it.

Atleast that is my opinion but it might be worth a try.

Edit: My bad I didn't read the article. It says climate crisis is increasing price for sugar around the world. Not something I personally care about because I don't eat a lot of sugar but this still might help against obesity. Allthough I don't think rich (fat) people will care enough and just buy the food anyways since price isn't the problem.

It's already problematic getting a black coffee from McDonalds before nightshift. Way to many people put a lot of effort into getting "ready" and are content with dining at McDonalds. It's not like they have an emergancy. They really get ready and eat there and act like it is a real dinner where I see it as a necessity or emergancy before I starve or am tired (coffee). It took me 20 minutes just to get a coffee cause they ordered food. I always wonder where these people get the energy from leaving home, driving to a McDonalds and eating there. So much better options to cook at home.