Eat some good barbeque.
The program was started because of the Korean War.
People don't fully understand what FEMA really does.
A lot of what FEMA does is bring money and resources to help states respond to emergencies. FEMA is never the government agency in charge of responding to a natural disaster, it is the state.
Blackwater/Xi isn't going to replace the sacks of cash. At best, it could provide security, but that function is filled by the National Guard. What's going to happen to some places is like what happened to New Orleans after Katrina; rebuilding efforts aren't going to bring region back up to the level it was at before and it is going to cause major issues to the local economy.
The problem is that right wing populists vote in all elections.
That's probably why the government is saying nothing in the chat is classified.
The difference here is that the federal government doesn't run elections, states do. Obviously, Trump is trying to set up a way to invalidate future elections, but Trump doesn't have power on who can vote.
Thanks leftists for not showing up to town hall meetings to push for universal coverage, choosing to cede the discussion to the Tea Party.
That's not even remotely legal. The Federal Government doesn't set limits on who can vote, states do.
I know there was a major disagreement between the local skilled labor and TSMC because the locals used a different, but still as effective, method of joining pipes. TSMC wanted to use Taiwanese labor instead who fitted pipes the way TSMC was used to.
I think about that in regards to World War II.
As bad as the destruction of World War II was, it could have been a lot worse if technology had developed an additional decade. Hell, having nuclear weapons first deployed as a weapon of mass destruction helped keep it from being deployed in later wars.
Maybe the USA was going to go fascist no matter what, so time travelers picked the most incompetent fascist.
If they had to suffer from raising a shit kid they didn't want, why should others get out of it?
Only one or two until you hit the credit card limit.