These people voted for him and he doesn't give a shit about them. We're all in very deep trouble .
This post isn't valid for this sub because I choose to believe that the Nostromo is real.
Boomers didn't build shit, they just pulled up ladders.
Well hopefully there are no live children left to die horribly.
Yeah the experience of the last few years makes me feel like this is libertarians in sheep's clothing looking to slash protections and then conveniently forget the government services part of the coin. It's time we abandon the infinite growth model anyway but that's another topic .
I mean you're probably a shit head , but that doesn't make you wrong .
Oologies. A charming interviewer talks to experts in various disciplines.
And your trust in systems is admirable but flawed.
I just excepted my phone from the network VPN and leave the phone VPN on all the time.