Ether doesn't use power (or like, very much) and it's what a lot of other chains are based off of.
Firstly, us air base is still on his soil.
Secondly, are they going to only visit the air base?
Yes, but we're slowly evolving away the dumbest and most dangerous of the population.
In the past we sent them running eagerly into the meat grinder of war.
Now they're building up like cord wood, and starting to smolder.
Also runaway jury was a bit of a sleeper.
You clearly meant to say crimson tide.
He's literally the richest person on the planet, he probably has better protection than the SS.
You know, if they also allowed the girls to get married (to older men of course), that could be the most southern headline there is.
You realize if the morons die out everyone else remaining still has heerd immunity, right?
It's interesting, however, if you mkfs.ext4 without -E ssd, or through some weirdness in your driver chain the filsystem doesn't know it can discard, then everything everywhere sucks for everyone, a cow fs is worse because no blocks are ever overwritten till the end, and the block map becomes a disaster while performance goes down the drain.
Nowadays this rarely happens outside of very broken USB mass storage chips.
This is why we used to have the fstrim command.
The fs does cow then releases the old block if appropriate.
The ssd has a tracking map for all blocks, it's cow relies on a block being overwritten to free the old block.
Basically it works out the same either way.
... Planing or planning?
The fact that it was classified was classified beyond her clearance.
By Trump, after the fact, by his mind.