
joined 2 years ago
[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 8 points 7 hours ago

It's very much not clear, lol, I was coming here to ask. FASCINATING photo.


Alllllllllllrighty. So I played around for a little while, and came up with this as a support for the resource trunk line, running down the center of the building.

With that, I got all the rest of the belting and pipework built out.

Also, got all the rest of the power lines run.

So, with that, I figured it's time to power up and test everything. Which means I had to bring the main tubeway up to the building.

Also means I need to fill the Diluted Fuel loops with some canisters, so I went and harvested a bunch from the recycling facility.

Realized I needed pumps for all these Heavy Oil Residue lines.

Looks like everything is running now.

And with that, we're all set to move on to the final, primary manufacturing facility.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 3 points 2 days ago

Thank god, we STILL use TFS at work, and its core version control model is reeeeeally fucking awful.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 4 points 2 days ago

God help me, I might have to learn how to make... gifs...

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 2 points 2 days ago

They're actually fluid Refineries, but yeah.


Alright, so the realization I had right at the end of yesterday was that I've forgotten a pair of Refineries. Decided to plop them in next to these 4 in the center, and shifted the entire chunk over to the left, to help some of the piping line up.

With those in place, I was able to finish out most of the logistics work for all these machines in the middle of the facility. That's all the Heavy Oil Residue and Polymer Resin dealt with.

Now, I'm toying with the idea of an elevated central bus of some kind to handle the rest of the logistics work. Still not sure where I want to go with this, design-wise, but I think I'm gonna use this concept of pillar supports.


Decided to build out the ceiling next, so that I can start hanging pipes and belts from it.

Piping run out for the two main Heavy Oil Residue lines, one for Rubber, one for Plastic.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

See, now you have to figure out exactly how you did that, cause the rest of us are already planning out how we can use this in our builds.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 4 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Perhaps the worry is that if wind rips things up, you've potentially got live electrical wires exposed?

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 9 points 6 days ago

The quote in the article, I think, is that they "took [her] name out". I'm guessing it means the character's name. Seems like the character had a few scenes and lines and such that all go cut, so they cut the character's name, too.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I somehow spotted (almost) all the decorational stuff, but missed the new functional stuff entirely.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I came into this thread thinking I'd just post "Uhh, it was pretty nice?"

Then I read the post text. Jesus fuck.

The other comments are probably right, no real point in doing anything but ignoring them. But goddamn, my first instinct would be to try and call them out on that bullshit attitude. No way am I clever enough to do it effectively, though.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 3 points 1 week ago

The only one that isn't a red flag here is #1.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 16 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The rage machine requires fuel.

[–] JakenVeina@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago

Honestly? Cosmetics. It really shouldn't be necessary. Just felt like trying it, a lot of people swear by the technique.


K. Time to branch off to the other side of this T-junction, for the next building.

Rough layout, much like last time.

Machines laid out.

Pathing laid out for some Crude Oil.

Forgot that some of the machines are actually for Diluted Fuel production, and had to rebuild them with Packagers and canister loops.

All Water Extractors built, with piping fully laid out.

Same for Crude Oil.


Last time I got the logistics all run for the Refinery inputs, so next up was the outputs.

Also a little bit of decoration for an entrance, where the inputs are coming into the building.

After that, I needed power for the Miners.

That SHOULD be everything needed for minimum-viable functionality, so let's run a little testing.

For testing, I'll need power, so might as well go ahead and get most of the tubeway built out. Not all of it, though. If you notice, the basic tubeway blueprint is elevated 4m above the base height of the anchor foundations I laid out. We'll need this space eventually for a total of 8 belts worth of resources we'll need to run underneath there.

That also means I'll need to rebuild a portion of the existing tubeway, where the branch begins, in order to have the heights match up, and to make room to continue running the belts elsewhere. I'll deal with that later.

Alright, temporary power connection made, let's see what mistakes we've made.

Right away, I find I forgot to run power for the Water Extractors.

Then I remembered I need pumps.

Every machine seems to be producing, now, so I call that a win.

Filling in all the belts under the tubeway, up to the first junction, where more will join in, and this sub-factory is done for now.


Alriiiiiiiiight. So, after building a full logistics map for the upcoming factory, I've decided this is where I need to fork off a new branch of tubeway, to head off into the distance.

That should do it.

A little more brainstorming, and this is what I came up with for a floor layout.

First machines to get routed and built are the Copper Ore Miners.

Then it's a few Water Extractors and a looooooot of Refineries.

Finally for today, that should cover logistics for all the Refinery inputs.


Starting out today, this factory needs an upgrade. This is Steelworks, and when I was building out all the tubeways yesterday, I actually ran out of Steel Beam for the first time.

She's currently running at a base clock of 12.5%, and with Mk.4 belts, I can get that up to 100%. To do that properly, I need to do some planning work, though.

I made this factory back before I started using Satisfactory Modeler to do belt planning, so I have no idea what beltwork I did to work around the handful of belts in the basic flow plan that need more than a Mk.4 belt.

So, I went through the factory and mapped it all out. Had to cheat a little bit and insert that break in the middle, at the Steel Foundries. When I had those as just normal connections, the whole graph refused to calculate. I have a feeling this is only going to get worse, and I'm gonna have to find another tool for the job, eventually.

Anyway, upgrades made.

Exploration time!

I was REALLY hoping to get enough Mercer Spheres to finish off the upload speed research, but I don't feel like building ANOTHER leg for a Radio Tower right now. Otherwise, good haul.


A'ight, today's task is to lay out some new Radio Towers, to prep for exploring, and the next factory I'll be building. I have exactly 0 Mercer Spheres left after the last factory, so I at least need to stock up on those.

Aaaaaaaand, after getting these two built, I found that there's only TWO Mercer Spheres available in this area. Apparently, I did a pretty solid job exploring here already. That's not nearly enough, so I laid down a third one.


No, I haven't given up yet, I just had less free time this week than usual, and I was honestly frustrated that it took THREE more sittings to fully finish this out.

Anyway, let's take a tour.

Main entrance.

Uploading and sinking.

Really happy with how the transition between the main floor and this side wing came out. This is pretty much what I had in mind from the beginning, when I first laid out the flooring, like 2 weeks ago.

Also like the way I routed the Fabric from this side wing around the underside of the building here, to come out in this small corner and head upward to the Manufacturers' floor.

Pretty much a mirror image going on on the opposite side, where Polymer Resin and Heavy Oil Residue are made. And another small belt in the corner to connect between floors (carries excess coal).

Also very similar is the large wing on the front of the facility (or back, I guess?) that makes all the Smokeless Powder. I like the look of the catwalks connecting the floors, and allowing access to the maintenance floors underneath.

That maintenance floor is also how we access the Miners and Extractors we have down in the crater.

ALSO really happy with how these big, wide resource trunks came out.

Same thing on the opposite side, where there wasn't nearly enough room to maneuver underneath the mushroom caps, so I had to run the trunk on top of them, and then build another big support pillar to make up the height difference at the end.

More glamor shots, from the upper floors.

Top floor leaves some open ceiling for exhaust to vent.

More nice shots of belting running along the edging of the building, which I ended up really liking.

Final wide shot.

Nerd docs.


All cosmetics today. I'd say I'm about..... 50% done now? So, yeah, here's hoping to finish tomorrow.


Picking up from last time, I got Crude Oil laid in for real this time, to produce Heavy Oil Residue and Polymer Resin.

Sticking with the strategy of connecting to and from the big Refinery wing on the front of the facility by running underneath the main body, I pulled water across the wing to meet up with the Polymer Resin, both of which need to run over to the small wing on the opposite side of the building. These make Polyester Fabric.

With the Polymer Resin now having somewhere to go, Smokeless Powder is now running plenty enough for me to snag 400 of them for research.

The Manufacturer floor is juuuust about all that's left for this factory. However, while planning it out, I noticed I was no longer producing any Iron Rebar. I eventually traced it back to here.

This belt is definitely NOT supposed to clip through an entire merger, and connect to an adjacent splitter instead.

I had to setup a few different temporary splices like this to bleed all the ore out of the belts, as well as fully-rebuild all the elevators going through the floor to feed into the Constructors using Steel Ingot.

Back on track, we've got 3 Manufacturers dedicated to making Gas Filters.

And the other 7 dedicated to Explosive Rebar.

Finally, I've got a few things to wrap up on the Assemblers floor. The last big batch of Assemblers can now be connected up to make Cluster Nobelisks.

The last item is a single Assembler for making Rifle Ammo. Unfortunately, the most effective way to get the Copper Sheet for that to where it needed to go was to run it around the ENTIRE circumference of the building. In retrospect, maybe it would have been better to build the logistics floors for this building to 7m, instead of 5m, to allow for 3 layers worth of belting, but this Copper Sheet line was really the only problematic thing I had to deal with, due to only having 2 layers.

Running the Smokeless Powder for Rifle Ammo was distinctly simpler: a single 2m length of belt from an adjacent splitter.

Actually, the LAST last item was regular Nobelisks. Which I already had fully producing, but I needed to pull off the overflow to be sent down for uploading and sinking.

Aaaaaaaand we have a nice fat sushi belt for uploading and sinking everything.


Alright, time to start building out logistics. Here, I've got the Coal and Sulfur lines coming in, and feeding almost entirely to make Compacted Coal.

Some of the Compacted Coal, and the remaining Sulfur, hops over to the next lane of Assemblers to make Fine Black Powder. The rest heads up to the top floor to make Compacted Steel.

Of course, the steel also requires Iron Ore, so I need to head to the left-hand leg of the factory where I brought up the Iron Ore and Copper Ore lines, and route those up to the top floor. Also went ahead and setup an upper exit for the hypertube.

Just one smelter for the Copper Ore, and 2 for a small amount of the Iron Ore.

The rest of the Iron Ore joins up with the Compacted Coal for 36 Foundries worth of Steel. Compacted Coal as a recipe kinda sucks, doesn't it? VERY low throughput, per-machine.

Then, all 3 ingots head down to the bottom floor.

Steel Ingot makes Steel Pipe.

Then Steel Rod.

Which then circles back and makes Iron Rebar (I forgot to grab a pic of this step, it seems).

Copper Ingot makes Copper Sheet, and Iron Ingot makes Iron Plate, just 2 machines each.

Then aaaaaall the products from the Constructor floor need to ship up to Assemblers and Manufacturers.

Back on the Assembler floor, the Steel Pipe lets me finish out the line for Nobelisks, with the Black Powder that's already there.

It was about this point, when I was trying to take the next item coming up from the Constructor floor (Copper Sheet) to make Rifle Ammo that I realized I don't actually HAVE all the recipes I need to build this factory. I need to actually start producing some Smokeless Powder to unlock a few new things, so I changed gears and worked on getting everything that's already in place powered up and running.

That gets everything up to Black Powder actually running, but I still need Oil to get to Smokeless Powder, so I had to do the same thing on the right leg of the factory that I did for the left.

Also, of course, need to actually BRING Black Powder to the Refineries for Smokeless Powder, and anticipate sending the Smokeless Powder back, to 2 different floors.

Got the logistics all built out for Smokeless Powder next.

Except, I realized after about 20 minutes of diagnostics, that the reason the Smokeless Powder Refineries weren't starting up wasn't a pumping issue with the Oil, it was the fact that I tried to pump Crude Oil into a bunch of machines that need Heavy Oil Residue.

Agonized for a bit on how I wanted to route the pipes for Crude and Residue, to and from the side wing, since I didn't really leave myself any room for additional logistics on the side where I laid those exterior belts, but I eventually decided on sending them across the underside of the main body of the building.

More to come.

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