You literally said that you own the NiotaBunny account on Reddit on your now-permabanned DeviantArt account, Triagonal.
When people bring this up, you attempt to gaslight them. Your link goes to a post that you posted on your NiotaBunny Reddit account, and you accidentally used "I" to refer to a comment about detergent instructions you posted on this account. I've included screenshots of that in my previous comment.
Nobody is invalidating anyone. I wasn't even replying or talking to you. I'm pointing out to the other person that when you make an impersonation account, you will sometimes try to emulate specific traits of whoever you're impersonating. You also did this on your Art-Dude Newgrounds account. Art-Dude was a forum regular on DeviantArt from the UK who you didn't like, because he didn't take your side on things, and on your Art-Dude Newgrounds account you put your location as being from a place in the UK. You gaslight about this in your bio.
which I don’t have and never said I had
Not on this account you don't. But you have other accounts where you try to pretend to be other people.
Your Newgrounds account, attempting to impersonate Art-Dude, a forum regular from DeviantArt who wasn't on your side when you said those things to a 14 year old boy, and then you attempted to gaslight in the profile description about a site being "mistaken" in case someone happens to find the real Art-Dude and begins to get suspicious.
What's up with you stealing other people's art on this account of yours?
Does the real xxoreothecrowxx know about this?
Your actual art looks like this:
The real Twonaps changed his name after he realized you took it.