Damn, why do they keep trying to bring this thing back after it nose dived so hard.
Just ordered the book. Fuck Meta.
Such a great show. That Sleepytime episode always ruins me though. About how kids need their parents less and less as time goes on and they become more independent, fuuuuck.
Strong government/democracy, fairly low corruption rate. Has come a long way since the 80s and before.
Not fake, definitely gay.
And some are ooooo..kay.
No you don't.
Looks like a great release!
...and yet are tying to change to for-profit model
The business model is pretty clear, put out as much hype as possible, overinflate the stock price, cash out and leave the chumps holding the bag.
The only surprising thing about this is that the functionality existed in the first place.
I love that it's not google, and the UI is nice, but the lack of realtime traffic info is a real blocker for me
Damn, why do they keep trying to bring this thing back after it nose dived so hard.