Same here, the Plex app was super heavy on a lot of my devices and would slow them to a crawl. Jellyfin is lean and runs well even on my slow smart projector. It does everything I need it to and more. I also got sick of Plex trying to shove their content and rentals and streaming services down my throat. Couldn't be happier with Jellyfin.
It just seems very precarious and unstable.
I call it Space Pocahontas.
I am a stay at home Dad. The pay is terrible and my boss is extremely immature. Best job I've ever had.
Don't mistake respect (acknowledgement) for "respect" (authority)
Looks like this is going be my next upgrade.
Maybe "Thousand"? Possible language setting thing?
Oh, interesting! That's the first I'm hearing of being able to configure more in Linux, seems like anyone taking ML seriously would be using Linux anyway.
Maximum allocation of 96GB to VRAM on the 128GB configuration, but your point still stands. This desktop was absolutely designed almost specifically for ML-enthusiasts, and if you wanna run a game on it you can too. Describing it as a "gaming PC" is totally missing the mark.
EDIT: it has been pointed out that the 96GB limit is a Windows limitation, so wouldn't affect any serious ML-enthusiast
I mean, I think the S23 Ultra is still getting updates through 2027, so it gives you plenty of time to get use out of it before upgrading in 2028.
I have a rechargeable trimmer. Like you, I'm never going for that ultra-close shave. I have fairly light/thin facial hair though, so the 5 o'clock shadow looks works well for me.