That's that I like about IT - all I do is help people. I've had the privilege of working with some incredible nonprofits, and even playing a tiny part in their mission gives me hope.
Prepare to taste the blade of my.... butterknife?!
In case he dies before finishing his term, I would assume.
This is how you convince immigrants to stop paying taxes. If they're going to get deported anyway, there's risk regardless... may as well save some money in the meantime.
Das Experiment is probably the best prison film I've seen. It's roughly based on a true story about a psychological experiment set in a prison that goes horribly wrong. I think there was an English adaptation as well but I can't speak to it.
That's absolutely true. I transitioned over a decade ago and have never had a problem until Republicans randomly decided that trans people were a target recently. A buddy of mine transitioned 35 years ago and he's in absolute pieces over the state of the country right now. He was harassed just yesterday while taking a walk, because he's out and proud in the neighborhood. I'm absolutely terrified to see how bad this will get.
One man's transphobia and horrible parenting is tearing this country to pieces. This is the worst possible timeline. I can't even begin to imagine what his daughter is feeling right now.
ReBoot. One of the most incredible, ground-breaking shows of its time, but it ends on a cliffhanger. I'm still holding out hope that we'll get a movie to tie up the loose ends someday.
Agreed, and to add to this, I grew up in farmland and have never met a broke farmer. These folks are typically quite wealthy thanks to massive government subsidies. Huge modern home, brand new cars, plenty of toys like ATVs. They're not living the same life as the standard working class.
Well yeah, that's to be expected when healthcare has a paywall.