
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

Oh man, he's going to pull a Crassus. I hope he ends the exact same way too, nothing would be more fitting.

[–] [email protected] 45 points 4 days ago (1 children)

So many innocents are going to die in the coming years. I wish I could warn them, but most of them seem to not care at all...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 days ago

Gay, black and socialist. Talk about setting up a hard mode run for life on Earth...

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago

People seem to have forgotten, or worse - accepted this reality for what it is. I will never forget though and I will keep reminding people ad nauseam.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I would but it's illegal here and in the same category as heroin or coke for some idiotic reason.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Instead of one central server divided in subreddits, we have dozens/hundreds of "instances" of Lemmy, which are almost all federated with each other. This means that posts, comments,... propagate between all the federated ones, not just the one you're on. This serves to eliminate the need for one central authority (which can be hacked/bribed/changed/...). The largest instance right now is If you were to create a new community there, it would federate to all other connected servers and people can interact with the content freely. If someone else wanted to start the same community, they would be able to do this, including the same name, if they create it on another origin instance (for example From that point onwards, both communities will be live and be able to "live" next to each other without crossing boundaries or running into any technical issues.

This also means it's almost impossible to get truly banned on Lemmy since you can simply create a new account on another instance. Since (shadow)banning is being massively misused by Reddit right now, this will eventually be the biggest reason for the growth of Lemmy. Reddit has become a staunchly anti-consumer/anti-user platform where trying to contribute is actively being resisted by power users/mods - and then they want to monetize your contributions through ads as well. No thank you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You can appoint other people to mod, but if a community remains without moderation for a significant amount of time, someone else might ask admin to take it over. You can also create "copies" on each individual federated host which allows for competing subs without having to snipe for community names at creation time.

Not perfect but much better than any of the alternatives.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Called it. Can't be arsed to look up the exact comment but I literally said he'd park a carrier on each end of the canal and would do this.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

Shit, when you put it like that...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Golden rule: he who has the gold makes the rules. Always has been.

[–] [email protected] 62 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

Conspiracy theorists for the last few decades: "The government is trying to murder us!"

The actual government in 2025: "Yes, we would like it if a grand majority of you were to die"

Conspiracy theorists: crickets

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago

Considering they must have known they couldn't get away with this undetected, I suspect there will be a sizable amount of rubles being deposited in his bank account or that of one of his relatives soon.


So I sent my boss and his boss an email stating that I felt overwhelmed and in over my head. I requested a talk to go over my options and assured them that I was still committed to the company and my mission.


If you've ever been in a situation where you think you'll be able to count on the basic decency and humanity of people you've worked your ass off for for years... don't.

I found out the following:

-despite the company's EBITDA rising exponentially year over year, the "company isn't doing too well" (but they do have budget to outright buy out our competitors in order to create a quasi-monopoly) and all teams' budgets are under strain this year (read: no raises no matter your performance)

-my direct superior, whom I've begged for extra guidance/trainings for the past three years, is apparently completely fed up with me and these requests and has wanted to fire me for over a year now.

-only reason I haven't been fired yet is simply because no one else wants to do this job. But they are still looking for a (cheaper) replacement

-his superior is slightly more amenable and, although a few years ago he called me "the absolute best of his CSR's", feels like "I've grown apart from the company". Yeah, no shit sherlock. That's what I'm trying to address here

-They feel it would be best if I went looking for employment elsewhere as they "don't really see a future for me in the current company structure".

All in all, the tall grass stands out (for mowing).

Regardless, it's crystal clear that I've now painted a(n extra) target on my back, and would've been much better off stewing on my own rather than call attention to myself in any way. Lesson learned. Don't make my mistake, just STFU, act like all's well and look for other employment in silence.


Considering things like modern medicine not being available, infant and child mortality, the gruesome nature of most work back then... would a "standard" commoner from back then laugh at how 'soft' our world has become from their point of view?

What can we infer from people's mindsets and resilience back then vs now, and do you think we're on the verge of a return to these conditions?

I think techno-feudalism has the capacity to be much more brutal than any old time machiavellan clown. The way our minds are deliberately manipulated by algorithms nowadays are much more subtle and insidious than anything the tyrants of yesteryear could've dreamt up, while at the same time convincing people they have it better than ever.


Basically I've been running my employer's IT helpdesk for 10 years. In those 10 years I've gotten some (minor) raises and perks, but never a promotion or job title change. I just "failed" my second year performance evaluation which comes down to "we know you're already overworked and understaffed but we need you to give 150% daily, every day".

As a result the opposite has happened and I basically don't GAF anymore. I close maybe half of the tickets I used to because I just can't bring myself to care anymore. Also, if after 10 years nothing has fundamentally changed, it would be madness to assume it somehow magically will.

Thing is, I used to be very enthousiastic about my field (IT) but lately I've fallen completely out of love with it. Every single month there are changes and evolutions to the many tech stacks we use and I just can't be arsed to keep up anymore. The enthousiasm has been completely replaced with mostly apathy and a side dish of simmering resentment.

I'm not immediately afraid of getting shitcanned because:

  • there's a lot more work to do than there are hands available to do it
  • company has been looking for people for my role for over 5 years but never hires anyone
  • I've been there a decade which would mean making me redundant would cost the company a pretty penny in severance
  • no one currently employed there would want to take over my job duties. In IT, the helpdesk is the lowest of the low. Always has been, always will be.

Regardless, I'm in my 40's now with one degree that doesn't have anything to do with IT and without joking, I would rather die tomorrow than keep doing this until pension age. Any of you have decent tips or examples of where someone in my position could aim to end up for the second half of my life's career?

If money were no object (it is) I would go back to college and pick up archaeology/history. That was what I wanted to do as a child but I had to give it up because "it wasn't a realistic life path", dixit my parents and every counselor I spoke to in that era.

I don't even work fulltime right now and still I feel like I would want to spend those 2,5 days a week doing something marginally less painful, like stick my dick in the oven.

EDIT: thanks for the responses all. I've reevaluated my situation and sent my boss and his boss a mail explaining my situation and requesting either some guidance/help/training or a demotion to a lesser position depending on where they think I should be heading. Chances are it'll be ignored, but at this point I don't really give a flying fuck anymore. If they want to get rid of me, they will. Add another corpse to the pile, see if anyone bats an eyelid.


She turns 15 this year but doesn't look a day over 2. Hoping to have many more healthy and enjoyable years with her, her sister and the other kitties.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

She's 6+ but kitten-sized. The coldest days are her favorite, as you can see why.

I love lamp (

Poor Terra has an inflamed toe she can't leave alone, so the vet fitted her with a collar for a few days. The bloodtest showed that she's reacting great to her hyperthyroidism-medicine, and the doc even commented on how her kidney, liver and bone marrow values were almost perfect, wich isn't all that common in 15 yr old senior kitties.

Hoping to have my lamp with me for many more years <3.


As stated in the title. I've worked in IT for over 15 years despite having no related degree.

I've been closing tickets nonstop at my current company for almost 10 years. After several restructurings and shuffling of higher posts, it has become clear to me that while this employer isn't the worst out there, I will never be internally promoted or have my job duties changed if I don't leave.

Worse, ever since Covid I've started falling out of love with IT and computers in general. I used to be stoked to learn about all the new developments in tech, nowadays, not so much - the only "innovation" I've seen in the last 10 years was companies trying to make absolutely everything a fucking subscription model. Now I honestly don't know nor care what's in the newest tech stack, how security has evolved,... I just want my shit to work and not having to worry about everything under the hood.

So getting another helpdesk- or related job seems out of the question for mental health reasons.

What would be another niche or industry where someone with an analytical mind and a greatly developed loathing for corporate mooching could find their spot in the coming two decades or so?

I've long since accepted that I'll never be able to climb any ladders anywhere since I never had the right contacts or stayed long enough, so it would likewise have to be something I could mentally and physically endure being in the bottom rungs of for the aforementioned duration.



Was the best moment of the day by far. Thanks for the li'l boost, fluffy princess!

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been playing since about a month after release and have since reached lvl 81 (just to show I put in quite a lot of game time since I started). In my first month of play I came across ONE single griefer who TK'd people on purpose. Considering I'd played hundreds of games I thought this game was a shining example of a great community.


The last three(ish) weeks or so, I feel like I'm playing a whole different game. About 1/3rd to a quarter of my games involve randoms with really toxic behaviour. Training mobs on you, throwing barrages on the group for fun, destroying our own sentries in defense missions...

But there's one thing that is apparently suddenly a "fad", I guess? That is kicking someone from the game right before extraction. Seriously, I've run several full 40 minute rounds, usually on decently high difficulties (7-8), with no real communication with any players whatsoever, let alone tk's or toxic shit, and then you suddenly get kicked as soon as the Pelican is on the ground.

WTF gives? I don't know if it's a reportable thing, I doubt it, but I sincerely hope it's just players getting somewhat bored while waiting for more content and that it'll pass, because if this is going to be my regular experience from here on out, I'm going to look for something else to play. Not the devs' fault in any way.


Buckle up, buckaroo. You haven't had an easy life so far, and it's about to get so much worse. Your father will hang himself next year and there will be little to no support available. People who you think you know and trust will take advantage of you and leave you with nothing, all the while claiming they want to help you. Even though you're sole heir, you will get nothing in the end.

You will lose almost everything that makes life worthwhile.

Now, this is where I want you to pay attention. The biggest mistake I made was to hope. Hope that things would get better. Hope that I would improve. Hope that everything will work out in the end.

Don't do it. Don't waste your time on hope. It will only ever get worse, day after day. You'll reach age 40, realizing that you attained none of the goals you've ever set for yourself, with your mother and stepfather in legal issues, and not knowing why the hell you would continue working for a "pension" knowing full well it will never come.

Every minute you spend hoping, thinking that things will improve will be wasted. Better spend that time being productive somehow (hah) or just get high/drunk and say fuck it all.

It doesn't matter because in the end, it will go the same way and nothing you do will change it.

So yeah. Hope. Not worth it. Save yourself the time, effort & heartbreak.

Also, when you first hear about Bitcoin, don't condescendingly dismiss it as some useless project and buy a few...

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