Japanese creators do not speak for the Japanese people. I could use your Asmongolds or Hasans to straw man any single argument about the West.
Sad to see that once again the nuances of the eastern perspective gets drowned out in the sea of tears western toddlers make.
Japan has every right to be upset about this game. Ubisoft has shown blatant disrespect towards the Japanese culture, history, and people.
But western eyes can't see culture; only color and gender.
Pretty sure this makes it illegal for everyone, not just children.
Translation: "The limits and bounds of my intelligence are the same as that of an LLM."
Don't run away unless it makes you stronger because of it. Once something has been gained, never yield it without a purpose or a strategy - even if that ends up being a bad decision it was at least yours to make.
It is a difficult endeavor to gain new ground; it is nigh impossible to fully recover that which has been lost.
After you have ceded all your land and yielded every advantage, where will you seek shelter and from what will you find strength?
IRS is an acronym which stands for Internal Revenue Service.
Or a bot that's been optimized to operate in the "NV" region
Pascal says what?
Nah fuck em. They invented nuclear physics and they can't figure out a goddamned email? Skill issue.
Your feeling of helplessness is your best friend, savage!
- Senate Minority Leader Cuck Schumer
- Senator John Fondlesmen of Pennsylvania
- Senator Catherine Cortez Molesto of Nevada
- Senator Brian Shithispantz of Hawaii
- Senator Dick Turbin of Illinois
- Senator Kristen Gillybreath of New York
- Senator Gay Penis of Michigan (TBH it's low hanging fruit; If he hasn't heard this one the he must have been grown in a lab as a fully fledged adult homunculus and never was a human child.)
- Senator Maggie Hasbeen of New Hampshire
- Senator Jeanne Smallpeen of New Hampshire
- Senator Anus King of Maine, an independent who frequently caucuses with Democrats
We need to start sending the youths to the last bastion of American education.
This clown school graduate is walking circles around the Harvard and Yale doctorates.