I usually bring bananas because the older horses I mainly interact with have worn down teeth. I'll make sure to give them an extra couple banana chunks for you tho
Lol it's nothing bad. Just brushing, riding, and hanging out with the critters
Vinegar is also great at getting smells out of stuff. It's excellent for animal smells. I use a little in each load of laundry because my fave hobby is doing stuff with horses and I also have a beagle with a natural hound stink. It gets out all the animal stank and a 2 gallon jug costs $3 at the local dollar store.
I also used the stuff to deep clean my carpets to help out a disabled cat I owned. He had trouble determining where the litter box was because he was blind and brain damaged and the person who was in my house before me didn't clean up after their cats. Most of the smell was gone, but just enough was there to confuse my boi.
10/10 recommend vinegar.
Hell yeah, white baby
I found myself going to my mom's place every day for dinner for a week and taking leftovers home. Now she's just automatically freezing portions for me. She knows my ass is BROKE
Happy to see PA is on this list as well. Maybe my state isn't as fucked as it seems?
My biggest issue rn is credit card debt. My dog needed multiple surgeries and my car needed fixed. I have 2 maxed out cards and no interest until November. It's only like 6k to pay off, but it's still overwhelming because I've never had to deal with this type of thing before. I think I can get it all paid off before November, but it's still a daunting task.
Rip my fun summer plans.
It's prolly the drugs keeping him awake
The only person I've seen actually benefit from back surgery is my sister getting rods put along her spine for her scoliosis. It helped her tremendously. She has some recurring nerve pain from it, but her organs aren't being fucked up anymore and her back doesn't hurt constantly. She also got so much taller.
I've had friends legit pity me because I'm a virgin at 27. Like, I struggled with sexuality for most of my adult life, only figuring out I am gay after 3 boyfriends. I'm not in a rush to get a gf or have sex.
Now my closest group of friends bully me in a friend way about being single and it's hilarious because they don't actually pity me or whatever. They respect me and all that and the jokes are just fun between us all.
Oh shit... Who spilled the beans? Clyde, Doc? Dozer!?!