It's unfortunate that both senators from my shithole are republican.
They already do. I believe the French have something comparable.
That's just good sense. I wonder if Lockheed will have a mishap with one of their blade missles in the near future...
I invite her to come turtle grabbing with me. It'll be fun, promise!
Exactly, that's why the statement was stupid. It would be the same as saying that tariffs on the US would benefit the EU colorado lamb market. Complete nonsense.
I know the whole thing is stupid, but he specifically said that this will be great for the American champagne business...
The US and Iran did have an agreement. Iran was meeting its obligations under that agreement before Trump reneged on the deal because it was associated with Obama. Why would Iran, or any other country, negotiate with the US in good faith going forward?
Truly incredible. In less than two months, trump has managed to severely damage one of the last manufacturing industries left in the US.
There is so much bullshit in forensics that gets paraded around as real science, and jurors are primed by media and titles to accept it.
I'll send my dick as revenge! (Or as an intro, just ask)
It is crazy how dark this has gotten over the last twenty years.
It isn't an active choice. Moving to Europe is not an option for most Americans.