I am on Linux so I use Heroic which opens it in an intternal browser I think, but I've never had problems with staying logged in.
And it amazes me how utterly unwilling to think some people seem to be.
If no one ate fish anymore, would it still be profitable to fish in an industrial style?
Did you know that the g-spot never was proven to actually exist?
Me with the Saints row reboot. Ten hours in and I just unlocked vehicle customization because I was just driving around and doing side quests all the time.
Humans taste good as well
Honest question that you dont need to answer: what are your right wing ideologies? Are they just fiscal or are they social as well?
Most people calling themselves centrists are either so privileged that they never needed to learn about politics because they will most likely be the beneficiaries of the political system or they are so uneducated that they never even figured out how to inform themselves correctly.
Centrists usually just support the dominant force of a given system which often boils down to seeking to find compromises between left and right wing ideologies, something that doesn't work so well when a big part of the conservative platform in most countries is the hate and discrimination of certain minorities.
Do Puerto Ricans get represented in US politics yet or do they just not count as a colony because we are in the wrong century?
You are a mentally deranged paedophile that wants to mutilate children.
Just ignore me while I tell everyone I know about that paedophile john89, okay?
I'd say the worst case scenario would be if you held a disgruntled cone snail to your ear. Getting stung in the head by one of the most venomous animals on earth probably isn't the most comfortable sensation.