
joined 2 years ago
[–] Limeey 85 points 2 years ago (25 children)

I feel like there's an air of suspicion that the admins (I guess myself included, except I really don't want to consider myself an admin outside of infra and code) are not being truthful. I think padded was frustrated, and that happens when you debate about something you're passionate about. I don't blame him, we all make mistakes and overreact, myself and the other admins included.

But here's what happened. I'm eastern US timezone, so all this was between at 7pm-1am for me after an already long day, but never the less, we engaged in debate over the rules for over 5 hours straight. For context, Yay sent a screenshot that he woke up to over 1500 messages from us. I went to sleep at 1 and conversations continued.

It started with Mike proposing (what some of us felt were) draconian rules. I typically stay out of the "general admin" room, but gavi asked me to come give feedback. so I did and we all started discussing them. After about 2.5 hours of debate (probably like 930pm), Mike asked for people to use an emoji to show how they feel about them, the result was 2 thumbs up (gavi, mike) and 2 thumbs down (me, padded) - OUT OF 14 PEOPLE. It was not "a vote" - it was purely to gauge sentiment. And all it did was draw more discussion, almost no one even put a reaction except mike, gavi, me, and padded.

Padded got heated during the discussion and said he felt like he was repeating himself, even though I was agreeing with him and that's kinda just how hard debates go. Eventually, I made it clear that I would not sysadmin a database of people's IDs who want to post on this instance. Others chimed-in in agreement. The idea was dead before it started. it was also pointed out repeatedly that the tools would never exist to enforce "source only" and padded made good points that "sourced" content can be faked with a PH logo pasted over it.

His last message was this:

Then almost immediately after that I said this:

In my opinion, padded seemed unhappy with everything, it felt like his stance was that if we didn't allow it all then we shouldn't allow anything and we have no right being the "lemmynsfw" instance. So then padded posted summaries of the draft that no one agreed to, and then got banned with a shitty message in the modlog and the post purged as a reactionary response. Mike got reprimanded for the ban message, we regretted purging it, but what's done is done. TBH based on the way purging works I imagine it's still available on other instances if you really care. But we can't "unpurge" messages, we SHOULDN'T change modlog messages.

But after he left, the conversation turned to how do we handle, and what are our legal responsibilities relating to, CSAM , how do we geoblock virginia/utah/etc, whether loli hentai can get any of us in trouble, how do we even define "loli", how do we handle "extreme" content on the feed, and how do we determine if CNC is actually CNC and not NC.

And that's basically still where we are still now, but we've made progress and I think we're all getting on the same page. The past few nights I've been digging into lemmy code, including the pict-rs library, to figure out exactly how purging content works, how the federation aspect works, and what changes we need to make our instance safe from legal repercussions, and protect other instances from hosting content they may not be comfortable with.

Regarding purges, the only remaining piece after a purge is in the "admin_purge_log" table which lists the post id, the creator_id, the admin_id, the given reason, and the timestamp. This data is viewable from the "admin view" of the instance, but not to regular users. I don't believe purges are federated.

Our instance has purged 8 posts, 3 of which were test posts, 1 was padded's, and 4 others were before I was involved so I don't actually know. I assume it's involved with the de-federation ordeal.

That's the long and short of it. Please remember, Reddit had billions of dollars to pay lawyers to deflect any liability. We don't. I believe our current donation total is like $200 last we talked, probably more now, and the server costs were like $80 for june and expected to be much higher for July. We're discussing going out of pocket to get a lawyer. I think a more detailed account of finances will be shared soon.

The finalized content policy will be shared soon for feedback and then hopefully implemented. We're working on how to be more transparent with communications, server costs, and donations.

This shit is hard, I don't get why people want to dismiss it as a simple thing. People have gone to jail over this kind of content, and even if we could win in trial, none of us want it to ever come to that.

I just want to write code, lol

[–] Limeey 1 points 2 years ago

I don't get why you're acting like this was set in stone, I was effective in killing both of those ideas, and only mike was proposing them with gavi agreeing because he's hella concerned about prosecution for his role as "head admin"

[–] Limeey 1 points 2 years ago

I'm going to make a top level post to this, rather than reply here.

[–] Limeey 1 points 2 years ago
[–] Limeey 9 points 2 years ago
  1. "When" is kinda hard to say, we're all having to become porn lawyers basically. But we're honing in, I hope this weekend we will all be in agreement
  2. how to handle CSAM and uphold our legal responsibilities, and hentai (where is the loli line?) and NC/CNC
  3. Yes we will be involving communities and moderators more when we make drastic changes. Not everything is going to be well received but hopefully people understand that we're not actually making rules based on the "porn we are into" and really it's just that no one wants to go to jail over masturbating.
[–] Limeey 4 points 2 years ago

Just keep posting, upvoting, and commenting! Block communities you don't want to see but aren't breaking any rules/laws, and report anything you think might be worth looking into (legal-wise)

[–] Limeey 12 points 2 years ago

We will. The current team has been relentless, even with everyone across the globe, we all wake up to 100+ messages about the technical, legal, and content aspects. It's pretty cool to see happen

But still, it's just hard.

[–] Limeey 7 points 2 years ago

we are actually working on this, there's quite a few things we need to get running for instances like ours to be safe, secure, and fun. Frankly.... lemmy wasn't ready for this. We need to get our ducks in a row before we make major changes, but as of right now we are very concerned about our responsibility to uphold to US, EU, and other standards regarding the "extreme" content (particularly involving minors).

tldr: We're working on policies, tools, and the techniques necessary to be on the up and up, once that is in place we'll turn our attention to features that make the community better.

[–] Limeey 2 points 2 years ago (3 children)

We should have protections in place to make it harder than a google search, and that’s what we’d like. Ideally no one has a grudge enough to pursue it to the extent that I’m worried about.

[–] Limeey 4 points 2 years ago

Again, I’m just a sysadmin (apparently the head sysadmin now??) but it’s all easier said than done. I think better inclusion of mod input into these decisions is absolutely necessary, but I’m not sure I have a great solution to do that now. I hope we can, and I hope we can make the instance better, but only time will tell.

[–] Limeey 3 points 2 years ago

You can upload directly here, but the image will be federated (sent to other sites). If you want to control the image, an offsite hosting is preferable since it will only be hosted on one site. At that point when you delete the image from that provider you will delete the only instance of it. We're working on better integration with offsite providers so that users don't have to leave the site to view it, but that will take time.

[–] Limeey 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

this should be fixed, now

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