
joined 1 year ago
[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 5 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Get a dog. Always happy to see you when you get home, will pester you relentlessly into moderate excercise, #1 wingman for meeting friends or significant others.

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 3 points 1 day ago

Dont commit to a course of study unless you are following your passion, or have a realistic plan to monetise the skills you get out of it.

Even if university is cheap/free in your region, the opportunity cost is steep. You will spend the next 3-5 years on subsistence wages, and come out the other end with very few practical skills beyond those of your specific area of study.

As cliché as it may sound, take a year off and bum around the world doing casual/seasonal labour while you figure out where you actually want to end up, because no-one else can define your future.

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 1 points 1 day ago

It's a chicken and egg situation though. If you let them get away selling you broken games then they have no incentive no stop breaking them.

I am now firmly in camp "better run on linux if you want my money".

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

English actualy did have terms for that, they just got a bit bastardised with "yea" and "nay" dropping out of common speech:

Will they not go? — Yes, they will.

Will they not go? — No, they will not.

Will they go? — Yea, they will.

Will they go? — Nay, they will not.

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 10 points 1 week ago

Counter-point to that would be blade-style leg prostheses, with which 'disabled' people can acheive speeds far greater than non-augmented people.

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 19 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Has anyone stopped to consider that we may have the causality backwards here?

We know that frodo becomes invisible when wearing the ring, perhaps the reason we can never find the 10mm is that this was already done?

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

So the answer is to keep slowly sliding into fascism with the 'slightly less evil' party, rather than forcing their hand in the hope of democratic reforms which stop the slide?

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 12 points 2 weeks ago

I left my dog shut in the lounge when he was a puppy, when i came back inside half an hour later he had scratched/chewed a hole in the drywall in an attempt to follow me out. Adorable little shit.

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

"We have the ability to do this right now, but we need to solve distribution" is exactly what an engineering problem is.

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

At the risk of sounding like stack overflow, do you need to print such large parts? As a general rule I try to make multiple small parts that are then attached together rather than going for single parts that are very big or complex.

If you mess up a couple of placements or tolerances, or your print fails, it's much quicker to reprint just that portion.

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 7 points 3 weeks ago

ECC is a 'good to have', but isn't critical unless your systems are.

Most of the higher costs that come with stuff advertised as "server hardware" come from the need to get 99.99% uptime instead of 99.9%, because that 0.09% represents millions of dollars, or even people's safety. If you just want to store personal data and run some basic services like a media server or a personal email, then pretty much any hardware will work, just make sure to backup your data regularly in case something goes wrong with your disks.

[–] Longpork3@lemmy.nz 24 points 1 month ago

Depending on the cost of parking, it might still be a winner. Every time I park near where someone homeless is posted up I offer them whatever coins I have on me to give me a shout or a call if they see a parking warden before I come back. Cheaper than parking, and it helps local people instead of fucking Wilson's.

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