Canada isn't a sovereign state? They're an extension of the crown of the UK. Am I missing something here?
You want carbs (energy) and protein (muscle). Stack up PB&Js. Dude I worked with in the coast guard would have two triple deck PB&J for lunch absolutely loaded with pb and j. You get your carbs from the bread, the protein and fat from the pb, plus sugars and a small amount of vitamins and shit from the j.
It's blue da ba dee da ba die
Why bother with gas if resources aren't an issue? Something savagely luxurious about cooking over wood. Primal but decadent.
I'm just happy ig is letting porn through. Cooters and hooters out and about is an indicator of a healthy social media environment
Lmfao. You don't beat the system by obeying the system. You burn it to the ground a build a new system, with hookers and blackjack.
"Seeing as your honor shows a 7, the prosecution will stand on 19."
defense also with 17 "Hit us, your honor"
judge throws down a 4, half the courtroom bursts into cheers and the other into tears
It may be an older meme, but does it check out?
I too wish to own republican women again. Hell I'll work hard so I can afford whole binders full of women.
Why in the fuck would I agree to give you people a second chance? Yall openly voted for the racist, criminally convicted sex offender. Fuck you, fuck your farm, and fuck your entire colonist bloodline.
Puberty ends at about 21-23 for women and 23-25 in men. The brain does some crazy af pruning of neurons between 13 and 23. While the actual hormone flood starts early, the entire process takes much longer to complete on a brain function level.
The stock market holds value because people believe it holds value. There is nothing actually backing any of that up. We dumb monkies just like watching number go up and will ensure number goes up at all costs. It's how capitalism works.
Where did you get the idea that tariffs are supposed to increase domestic production in any way?