joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 43 minutes ago

For the same reasons humans have done things throughout history. Worship, art, glory, vanity

[–] 1 points 45 minutes ago

Not really saying much, I've seen adults do the same

[–] 49 points 11 hours ago (15 children)

People have to stop acting like animals are the stupidest most thoughtless creatures.

Yeah, most dogs probably understand it perfectly fine because it isn't a great mystery. They go in a room, they feel the acceleration, they feel the deceleration, they go out.

Sure, first time they are probably confused, but they are not completely oblivious to the world around them.

Also, yeah, this post is funny

[–] 1 points 11 hours ago

I feel less alone now

[–] 2 points 20 hours ago

But it's not that I love pasta in a special way, it's okay-ish

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] 4 points 1 day ago (3 children)

That's the weird thing. It's not about the nutrient type because other types of carbs do make me feel full. It's just specifically pasta. I don't know why. I could easily eat a bowl of rice and feel full but I could eat three bowls of pasta and just know that I'm full but not feel it.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I swear someone released this exact thing a few weeks ago

[–] 10 points 1 day ago (13 children)

Anyone else have a weird thing where pasta does not make them feel full?

I could probably eat 3 times as much pasta by weight as I could, let's say, rice. And I would only have to stop because I physically feel that there is no more room in my stomach. It's like my brain does not register pasta as food and so I don't mentally feel full or get any less hungry.

And it's just with pasta! Not bread, not rice, not pizza, not lasagna, nada. It is very weird and I never heard of anyone with the same issue.

Ps, because of this, I just cannot make too much pasta, no such thing.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago

Idk, even good prep can end up with some smell, it is what it is. But let's be real, all sexual acts can have smells, we are smelly creatures.

Oral can definitely be a bit stinky, but that is just human nature.

[–] 27 points 1 day ago

This is logical and healthy imo. To be straight does not have to mean absolutely hating any sort of gay sex, just not being into it. I think that society makes as believe that straight means the absolute opposite of gay, when really all sexual preferences are one big spectrum and you can be a straight man who is willing to try gay things but not enjoying them.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago

This is reductive and deflective. We do, one does not come at the price of the other. But most people, and science, agree that kids are worse off in that situation.

They are not wrong about the fact that what she did was wrong and deflective, but the irony of saying that she is deflecting while completely ignoring the reality that she mentioned.


I want some unbiased opinions so I will try to write this from a third person perspective.

There are two friends and they have the kind of relationship where they are open about everything and talk about everything. You could say that it's similar in its depth to a familial relationship or a partnership. We will cal them friend X and friend S.

X is going through a lot and therefore is emotionally overwhelmed at times. S is also going through a lot, but not nearly to the same degree. Both friends are neurodivergent (adhd) but friend S is neurodivergent in a way that is probably more problematic for social interactions.

Both friends mostly interact over text, which S claims is a medium that lacks the nuance of other conversational mediums such as voice, video or real life. Friend X is prone to outbursts of rage over text and Friend S believes that this is because the medium lacks the nuance that could indicate for Friend S that Friend X is about to burst and therefore change their behavior.

I'm sorry that this is kind of dry and robotic, but I really want to get an unbiased perspective, which is very hard when you write things in your own words.

Now here is the issue. When X bursts, S usually would apologize but try to indicate that the conversation lacked the nuance that was needed to understand that this is an explosive topic. And friend x has in the past said that they will try to be clear about how they feel before reaching the point of an outburst.

X doesn't accept this argument and ends up blaming S for lacking emotional intelligence. S on the other hand feels that accusing them of being emotionally unintelligent is insulting and unproductive, while X claims that saying that is just defensive and avoiding responsibility.

You don't have to say who is right or wrong in this situation, but I would like to understand if calling someone emotionally unintelligent can be productive or is it just straight up like calling them dumb as they might claim.


It seems that there are a lot of Israelis that believe that there are no innocents in Gaza. And one could argue that it's possible that a significant majority of the population is hateful towards Israelis, considering the history.

If you agree with this argument, can you please explain why and elaborate? And if you don't, how would you refute it? There is no data that shows that there isn't a significant majority that's hateful towards the Israelis.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not stating my opinion as I want to hear an unbiased opinion from you.


I set it to debug at somepoint and forgot maybe? Idk, but why the heck does the default config of the official Docker is to keep all logs, forever, in a single file woth no rotation?

Feels like 101 of log files. Anyway, this explains why my storage recipt grew slowly but unexpectedly.


For those of us who live in the US things are and have been scary and depressing for a while, this seems to also be true about quite a few more countries in the world.

If you are living in a country that you deem safe, well functioning and overall a good country to live in, how do you feel? Do you feel anxious about the current state of the world? Also, what country are you in? (Just in case 🫣)


I heard a bunch of explanations but most of them seem emotional and aggressive, and while I respect that this is an emotional subject, I can't really understand opinions that boil down to "theft" and are aggressive about it.

while there are plenty of models that were trained on copyrighted material without consent (which is piracy, not theft but close enough when talking about small businesses or individuals) is there an argument against models that were legally trained? And if so, is it something past the saying that AI art is lifeless?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I recently found out that a locked device (aka a carrier lock) is actually locked in two very different ways.

  1. the sim lock, which prevents you from using a sim card from a different carrier. This usually has some sort of policy regarding how and when to unlock the device (for Verizon it is if the device goes for 60 days without connecting to the Verizon network, might also need to be fully paid off as well)

  2. Bootloader lock, this locks the bootloader and therefore disables any way of flashing anything (rom, root, etc) This is not something that will automatically be unlocked as far as I can tell and only the carrier can modify it. Most carriers seem to have the basic decency to unlock the device if you request it from their support, but be warned that there is no guarantee. What is guaranteed, is that Verizon will tell you to fuck right off and will never unlock your device.

The point of this post is to bring awareness to this issue, it is on me that I didn't properly research this and just assumed that carrier lock means just a sim lock, but this sucked.

I bought a pixel 8 which was sim-unlocked but sadly, as I discovered, its bootloader was locked and the "oem unlock" option was grayed-out. This is because it was a Verizon model that was out of the network but still, a Verizon model...

As of right now there are no known exploits against this device / Android version, and so, there is no known way to bypass this.

I literally argued, begged, and threatened Verizon. And their official stand is that they don't allow bootloader unlocks, they don't have the ability to do them (A lie) and that it will degrade my experience (Idiots)

So I started doing anything I could think of. I tried old exploits that were patched (unsurprisingly they failed), I tried sideloading other versions of stock android (worked but didn't affect the bootloader), I even setup mitm wifi hotspot that has a transparent tls inspection (see PolarProxy) but it seems that the OS does not trust any "user" CAs and so it tries to connect to, sees that the CA is not a system CA and aborts the bootloader check, which keeps it grayed-out. My idea was to spoof a valid response but apparently Android has good security practices (who knew)

Short of reversing the OS/Bootloader, it seems there is nothing to do.

So this is my warning to you, don't buy carrier models, but if you do, make sure the oem unlock option works, but if you don't, absolutely never buy a Verizon model.

ETA: I bought second-hand under the impression that it was an unlocked device, I thought that by checking sim compatibility I verified that it was, I was wrong.


Make our brains FOSS! Why can't I just tell my brain that now is sleeping time and it will just sleep?!


Well, I have a parent that is right on the edge of dislike that I keep them in my life for the sake of family harmony. But I consider them to be a bad person that makes me extremely uncomfortable to be around.

If you had something similar, and they died, how did it make you feel?

I'm purely curious because right now I feel like I would happy that they are out of my life, but sad for my family, but overall happier. And I want to understand if I'm being naive about the hardship of losing a parent, even a disliked one.


Saw a post without noticing the community and commented a genuine comment with good intentions.

Apparently it was against the rules of that community and I was banned.

Original post:

My (removed) comment:

And yeah, the last comment was sarcasm.

I just don't really understand why is there a community for shitting on Linux? Like I can get not liking it, and hating the Linux die hard fans, but it really is an amazing thing that is integral to almost all modern computing... Kind of like hating social media by having a facebook page for it.


I suspect that this is the direct result of AI generated content just overwhelming any real content.

I tried ddg, google, bing, quant, and none of them really help me find information I want these days.

Perplexity seems to work but I don't like the idea of AI giving me "facts" since they are mostly based on other AI posts

ETA: someone suggested SearXNG and after using it a bit it seems to be much better compared to ddg and the rest.


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