I think the greatest growth for me is realising how good "high" or "medium" presets are nowadays. There is a lot of FOMO on missing the best (looking) experience, but IMO modern medium settings are stunning. I was watching a graphics comparison of Kingdom Come 2 and the improvements from "ultra" were so miniscule. The jump from "low" to "medium" to as incredible tho.
Upskaling is a fabolous technology and the split that quality needs to do between hardware upgrades and software support. Overall the existence of the technology is definitly a positive one.
However people are worried about a development that we are already seeing where games are just not efficient with their resources and require way to much computing power. People are afraid studios will decrease the amount of work they put into optimising because they feel like Upskaling will solve all perfomance problems for them. But optimisation needs to happen on both parts. That's what people are afraid of.
Love the base too!
I only believe in the silk when there is song.
Great work. One of those artworks where I can really see the human in the art. Your understanding of light and shadow really shows here
Sick ass alt art
The fact that this is possible is amazing to me. The fact that the whole trailer consists of nothing from the game but dreamt up fabrications of a random number generator with lots of training is not.
Games are an intentional art where a lot of creativity and work is put into a unique interactive medium. The AI trailer is far from that.
"She should try being a little original and force herself to pretend she hates what she likes. That’s way more authentic. "
I died
Cultivate with upside seems pretty good does it not?
Great points. One think I love about disco is how much expression it gives to the mundane. It's not about firebreathing dragons but about trashcans. My most intense interaction I've had in this game was with a malfunctioning speaker on a office building.
That seems like ragebait to me.