
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Try again. It's the 4th paragraph.

Last month, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration-era SAVE plan, an income-driven student loan replacement program with 8 million borrowers, claiming it lacked the authority to forgive millions of dollars in debt. In response, the Trump administration paused all applications for income-driven repayment plans and online loan consolidation, leaving some borrowers in limbo struggling to make ends meet.

[–] 21 points 4 days ago (5 children)

I mean... There's a full article explaining the cause for the increases, it's not like there's no reasoning provided.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Oh I knew that's why they were saying it, I just wanted to see what their asinine justification for the stance would have been had they responded.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Can I ask your reason for wanting this? (Preferably not just "their parents aren't citizens, why should they be?")

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

Ignore the bait folks...

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I have to point out just how good Empress is. It makes a fantastic g&t.

[–] 14 points 3 months ago

Similar to the other person that replied to you, I have no idea what you're talking about. Some provinces have relatively crappy healthcare (looking at you, Alberta), but these outcomes are directly cause by conservative Premiers cutting funding to the system and policies that restrict immigrant doctors from being licensed with the schooling, experience, and licensing that was received in their country of origin.

Despite all of this, I don't wait grossly long in the emergency room if I have to go, I'm able to get a doctor for prescriptions, and I have clinics I can go to if I need non-critical care. All of it free (excluding medication, dental and some other critical items)

[–] 7 points 3 months ago

Class solidarity and material analysis are also core concepts that influence that rational thinking. You wouldn't chastise a serf for cheering the death of a lord tyrant, would you?

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Perhaps helping them would improve the situation. Give them housing, voluntary treatment, and treat them like people, and you'll find they're just like you and me.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago
  • Buy an external HDD
  • backup any data you have on the rental computer
  • bite the bullet that you probably won't have a computer for a bit
  • wipe the rental computer
  • then put the amount spent each month on the rental into savings and buy and own a better computer with actually new hardware
[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Squid is Cthulu?

[–] 10 points 4 months ago

Vancouver is quite expensive, I'll be honest. If you are okay with a commute, you can live in surrey, Langley, or even abbotsford/chilliwack. Long commute to Vancouver, but anywhere from 10-30+% cheaper rent last I checked.

Canada should be seen as a time-delayed America in a cultural+political sense. A thing that happens in america will generally occur in a similar manner 1-10 years later here. Our Liberal and NDP (Progressive) parties continually move further to the right at differing paces, and all of our parties & leaders have major issues (in differing amounts):

Trudeau (LPC) is a proven corrupt man who has abandoned the working class more every time he shuts down a major strike (every major strike).

Poilievre (CPC) is a less charismatic, cryptofascistic version of trump, and is very likely to win the next national elsction. This could be any time between tomorrow and Oct 20, 2025 and could be catastrophic for Canadians.

Singh (NDP) is a very lovely man, but has a tendency to make decisions that give his party less bargaining power (See: canceling supply and trade agreement without trying to use it as a threat first)

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

In the past, I've used nessus for vulnerability scanning my lab, but as my service count has grown, the 16 IP limit is becoming a little unwieldy.

Is anyone able to recommend an alternative that fits at least most of the requirements I have?

  • Free (preferably in both senses of the word)

  • Doesn't use Docker, even if containerized, I'd prefer to avoid having my scanner share a host with another service... and I'm not incredibly well versed with Docker

  • Scans multiple systems (I tried Trivy, but as far as I can tell it only scans the system you install it on)

  • Has a webui for management of scans

Alternatively, if anyone is willing to lend some advice for the configuration of Wazuh... I deployed the service months ago with the expectation that it could be used for vulnerability scanning (the Dev was in a few reddit threads suggesting that it had the capability), but i haven't been able to configure it properly.

I appreciate any advice people are willing to offer!

Edit: fixed formatting

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I'm pretty new to using linux as a desktop solution (I use it for servers but have been working on switching over for desktop). I recently installed NixOS on my P14S Gen 2 and have found that while my backlight works inside the OS, I have no backlight in UEFI and GRUB.

I did complete a microsolder repair on the eDP connector on the motherboard due to liquid damage, however all SMDs and downstream chips have been thoroughly verified, and as detailed below, issues doesn't persist in windows.

Boot sequence goes as follows:

  1. System powers on (No backlight)

  2. Smartbeep diagnostics screams it's head off (No backlight)

  3. BIOS/UEFI beep (still no backlight)

  4. Diagnostic Grub beep (You guessed it, no backlight)

  5. OS splash - Backlight is now on

I am unsure if there is a way to resolve this, but any advice would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to find anyone else with this specific presentation of a "no backlight" issue.

Troubleshooting already tried:

  • Update firmware using fwupdtool, fwupdmgr, and vantage in windows - no change

  • Reinstall windows - behavior stops

  • Dual boot windows - behavior stops if windows was the last OS booted

  • New display cable - no change (tried before realizing this is OS related)

  • Install a different distro - Ubuntu, Debian both have same behavior and I'd like to stay on NixOS if I can

  • Increase GRUB compatibility delay - no change

  • Increase UEFI boot delay - no change

  • Change graphics adapter in UEFI - no change

  • Disable quick boot, secure boot, TPM, set sleep mode to Linux, etc. - no change

  • Probably more that is at this point, forgotten

Edit: fixed formatting, added troubleshooting completed so far and more detail that was initially neglected

Elden Ring - PC (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Obviously a little late on this one, but wanted it since launch so I picked it up with all the DLC. I've gotten to NG+11 on Dark Souls 3 but haven't beaten any other fromsoft game, so I was very excited to see how I'll fare on this one.

I'm enjoying it so far, have about 20 hours on my save and beat Margit around hour 11 (27 deaths). Currently working my way up to Liurnia academy. Took me a little bit to warm up to the open world + crafting... And honestly I'm still not totally sold on it, I think I'm reaching a point of open world fatigue. I love the freedom it provides in games but I do miss more linear experiences some days.

That's all my thoughts so far. I love FromSoft games even if I've only beaten one, so I'm not surprised that I'm enjoying this.

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