
joined 2 years ago

Magdalena Bay - Imaginal Disk

BODEGA - Our Brand Could Be Your Life

LCD Soundsystem - s/t

Rush - Signals

Nujabes - Modal Soul

Ezra Furman - Twelve Nudes

Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass

Viagra Boys - Welfare Jazz

Lambrini Girls - Who Let The Dogs Out

KNOWER - Knower Forever

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - The Tyranny of Distance

XTC - Drums and Wires

NAOKI and others - Guilty Gear Strive OST Vol. 1 Necessary Discrepancy

They Might Be Giants - Flood, Apollo 18, John Henry, The Else, and okay every TMBG album

Rule (
[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago (1 children)

That takes me back. I'm stoned watching Bly Manor with my housemates. Creepy dolls are creepy


I found out today a friend I used to perform with is facing eviction. One of their friends made them a GoFundMe page. Not sure if there's a rule against posting mutual aid on beehaw but if you could help share or chip in a few bucks that would be swell. Thanks!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, which is a nice 3D remake of one of the better classic vanias, Rondo of Blood. An updated version of Symphony of the Night is an unlockable in the game (as well as the original Rondo) so this is a great way to experience both games if you haven't already.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

I had been having a tough time this past month with work and some interpersonal feels. Yesterday was my birthday so I took LSD and went on a hike with my best friend. It was good to feel some of the results I've been getting from taking boxing class, as I was able to keep pace with my buddy for the 6 km walk. Saw some nice rocks and fungi. I went into the experience thinking about what I wanted to change in my life. Ultimately I was like, yeah I actually already had everything I need: amazing friends and plenty of opportunities for creativity And self improvement. Just gotta work on separating from the stress and enjoying the little moments :)

Oh and then my buddy's gf made me panang curry and my wife made me key lime pie! And we watched Jennifer's Body, a quirky horror movie from 2009

Rule (
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Is this game any good for a casual player playing solo?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I beat Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines for the first time on Deck. KBM controls bound to the system really did it for me and since it was a low spec game it ran flawlessly. And the game's reputation holds up (well written and engaging but janky lol)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Thanks for saying so; it's easy to believe this is just how it's going to be in any programming job and hearing how unreasonable this is from folks on the outside but in the field is encouraging.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Thank you for your insight and words of support 😭. You're right, I need to make getting out a bigger priority.


I have been working for a consulting firm since early last year. I'm a programmer and this is basically my first "adult" programming job I've had since graduating and briefly working part time as a coding tutor.

When I started at the firm I expected that I would be on one or more consulting teams and I would be learning/working with new and emerging technologies. Instead I was placed on a development team at a corporate banking client, working remotely with other employees of the bank. The bank has a big problem with turnover so having been there for a year I'm seen as one of the more senior members on my team and have been given more challenging projects to work on more or less independently. I'm responsible for the analysis, the coding and most of the testing.

I was assigned a new feature in early October. I was given a brief description of what the whole feature would do, but it wasn't immediately clear which parts I'd be responsible for. It was a while before I was able to speak with folks about the requirements for my side so I realized I ended up doing work I didn't need to. Now I understand the requirements but I spend more time researching than actually writing code.

I meet with my project manager remotely every day for standup and he's always asking me for percentages of work done or some metrics for completeness and I don't really know what to tell him so I just throw stuff out there. ("Oh probably another few weeks or so.") I think for a while there I was just saying I knew what I was doing 1) because I was trying to "fake it until I make it" and hope that I make some breakthrough and figure it all out, 2) because in order to ask folks questions I'd have to understand the problem well enough to have some context for what to ask, 3) because the only two people, senior devs at the bank, who could help me have ten other things assigned to them each (not an exaggeration) and they can both be really flippant and unhelpful when I have reached out to them in the past.

I have so much pressure at the firm to put in a good face for the firm with the client. I have tried within the past year multiple times to get transferred to another role but I just get met with pep talks about how I'm "doing better than I think" and how "they really need me there". When I express frustration with the bank's management structure and levels of communication my handlers are like "yeah...some clients are tough!" So it seems like I'm stuck. Unfortunately I cannot afford to simply quit.

But I feel like I'm getting close to just blurting out that I don't think I can do this at all the next time my project manager at the bank asks me how far along I am, despite supposedly having put work hours towards it. I have so much stress and lingering dread that I will be fired, that it will ruin my career, and that I can't do anything to change my situation. It's hard to manufacture enthusiasm for finding other jobs because at the end of the day, even though I'm not getting as much done as I need to, I feel burnt out with stress and don't want to do anything resembling work. Frequently when off the clock I'll randomly think about work while doing other stuff and I'll break down and start crying. It's bad. Every part of me just wants to be gone from this but I can't leave and I also can't make things better. The cracks are beginning to show and I feel like it's not possible to get the support I need. Should I continue to push through the feeling that failure is inevitable and try to succeed? Or should I go mask off and hasten the end?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

I subscribed and I liked what I'm reading so far! I liked their Alan Wake article and how it celebrated the cheesy elements of Remedy's work...listened to all the Alan Wake songs and Take Control on my train ride this morning :D

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Benny from New Vegas


Hi all, I'm interested in some advice from folks used to facilitating board games.

So I acquired a copy of Cosmic Encounter and its Incursion expansion earlier this year. Tomorrow I'm having some folks over for dinner and board gaming so I was excited to learn the rules and see what this game was all about. I heard it's really good!

For those unaware, Cosmic Encounter is a space strategy game with a ton of potential for goofy interactions. When players have an encounter, they can choose to play cards indicating whether they want to fight or negotiate. If two players play a negotiate card, then they have a chance to exchange territory and resources.

Today I realized a potential issue in the form of a 1-minute timer during the Negotiation phase. Apparently, if two players end up in a Negotiation, they have one minute to make a deal. If they can't conclude the deal in one minute the negotiation "breaks down" and both players end up losing three of their ships.

My players love board games but I can think of at least three of them who won't like playing with a timer and will probably suggest we ignore it.

I don't want to alienate my players and I picked this because it seemed like a fun and fairly accessible experience so I would feel bad for insisting on something that made them uncomfortable.

On the other hand, I'm concerned that analysis paralysis will make the game take forever when players can take as long as they want to make deals. I've played Bullet with the same people and, since we have agreed not to use timers in that game, it can take a long time for players to finish placing their last pieces, leading to 1-2 hour games (when the playtime estimate is 15 minutes).

So I want to know what you think, especially if you have experience with Cosmic Encounter or introducing new games to people. Can we still get a good experience out of the game without using timers for a first time run? Should I recommend a compromise such as more time and/or removing the ship destruction punishment (choosing, instead, to just cancel the deal if it takes too long)?

Edit: thanks for your suggestions! I think I know how to approach this when we do play the game. Sadly we didn't end up playing it last night 🤷


This song never fails to make me start dancing. The video is pretty great too

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Coming up unavailable...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

Still trying to get out of Gold in Street Fighter 6, wrapping up Pikmin 4 100%, and going through the MegaMan Zero Collection (I'm on Zero 2)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

They're doing a "Money For Nothing".

The band changed their name from "Slaves" and this song is from the perspective of a disaffected right wing fan swearing the band off following the decision.

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