That's a good point, we had road safety ads and signs saying that the speed limit is not a target: drive to the conditions.
I would have gone into more detail about the type of roads that are signed at 60kph, 50kph and 40kph here, and the expected hazards on each etc. But at the end of the day, you aren't going to slow down to car-park speeds for every parked car you go past, that would be making yourself more of a danger for other traffic.
And if you look at the reaction speed / velocity / distance travelled calculations I mention further down, you'll never be driving slow enough to avoid a fast and low surprise side-incursion like a sprinting dog from between parked cars.
Safe driving limits the amount of hazards that would be unavoidable, but it doesn't eliminate them.
100%. It's all about minimising risk, my tone with my other comments probably came across a bit harsh. But that fucker was telling someone it was all their fault. And that when they drive, there's literally nothing that they couldn't stop in time for.
They were so confidently incorrect it was annoying the shit outta me