I do hate that they made me donate twice by adding other apps later ๐
I am looking forward to attend the NordicFuzzCon. Looking into it more I found that they host Furovision every year (2024) and even had an Opera in 2024. Also their parade looked really nice.
Note: 1.44.4 has still not rolled out everywhere. I had to use the aurora store which allowed me to update.
Did you recently update the app? On my tablet it now always crashes trying to open a post.
App is on 1.44.2
Not sure if that is the problem:
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.idunnololz.summit, PID: 31970
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No interface method removeFirst()Ljava/lang/Object; in class Ljava/util/List; or its super classes (declaration of 'java.util.List' appears in /apex/com.android.art/javalib/core-oj.jar)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: at R5.e.a(SourceFile:1)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: at com.idunnololz.summit.lemmy.a.c(SourceFile:30)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: at com.idunnololz.summit.lemmy.a.a(SourceFile:428)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: at com.idunnololz.summit.lemmy.post.PostViewModel.h(SourceFile:171)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: at com.idunnololz.summit.lemmy.post.PostViewModel$fetchPostData$1.z(SourceFile:801)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.k(SourceFile:9)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: at la.D.run(SourceFile:115)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: at sa.b.run(SourceFile:96)
11-07 18:19:56.710 31970 32084 E AndroidRuntime: Suppressed: kotlinx.coroutines.internal.DiagnosticCoroutineContextException: [l0{Cancelling}@d50ab02, Dispatchers.Default]
Android 13
I read of such stories once in a while. Sadly, I cannot relate because I always played singleplayer games back then, so I missed out on that. But I would like to add that joining pve world events in guild wars 2, there is some chance that there are people chatting publicly like they have known each other for a long time. Not sure what is is worth, though, but it always give good vibes to work together. Me playing mostly wvw (pvp) we (me and my friend) somehow found some likeminded people who invited us to their private voice chat and talk there while playing together. It is not very often, but it is a start, I guess.
Not sure where I was going with that but I though I add what I could I guess. Thank you for reading!
It's cool but as soon as I need to move I am out. Moving is inconvenient at best and nausiating at worst (for me). So that does not leave me with a lot of possible games. Edit: I am sure that is the same for most people.
Oh, yeah, account creation is indeed a very overlooked usecase! Great!
I did not have this on my radar, sadly. On the one hand, I somewhat was there via livestream which make me happy but on the other hand I am so sad that I missed it.
I am exposing docker via tcp in wsl and set the env var on the host to point to it. A bit more manual but if you don't need anything special, it works too.
Oh, wow, thank you!
Now I just have to figure out how to donate because kofi just refuses to successfully process any donation I am trying to make.
The new empty comment section looks great, btw!
I am somewhat in a similar boat. I have like one to two friends left and also looking for a partner. I never go out and only stay at home.
I know that this is definitely not for everyone but rather for a small minority, but I found and joined the furry fandom. They are loving and welcoming and so put my hopes into them. There is a high chance that there is a local meetup in your area but I have been too shy to attend yet. Instead, I opted straight for a convention which I think is a better starting point for me because it is more anonymous. Note, that this is just a suggestion since the convention did not happen yet and I am looking forward to it patiently.