Yee that tracks. I can already see the brain drain
Well yeah. I mean we do need a revolution. These corpos need to gtfo and be dissolved.
This is such an amazing move, a bunch of eu countries don't owe the us any loyalty and probably wouldn't mind serving china's interests
That would be amazing! It would actually have some teeth
Can we collectively decide not to respect American intellectual property laws to really hit the tech sector where it hurts? We don't get that many physical goods over here but most of our software is American owned. I advocate for not paying American tech companies anymore.
Intressant, min fråga blir dock vart man ska få mat ifrån om man inte ska handla veckan innan? Liksom inte jättemånga småbutiker i krokarna.
John Oliver being uploaded to YouTube is awesome! I should comment that Lemmy is a great Reddit alternative
That's a ridiculously cute cat!!! Also ate your glasses ok?
Yeah, that checks out, but remember youre not a fundamentally bad person. You can possibly even salvage the friendship with apologies and doing some work on yourself. Either way, working on yourself is a good idea, it's worth it just in general also.
Yikes, are you ok? Being asocial is generally not regarded as being healthy. Also fyi, you're at an age where you have to engage with friends to keep them, they will drift away otherwise. Loneliness is a massive bitch and I'd really difficult to get out of. Friendships like any relationship require maintenance. You're neglecting your relationship maintenance at the moment if you continue, you will loose your friends.
Been using thunder for a while, it's good. I just miss notifications sometimes
Yes! This is amazing! The EU should consider china as its ally, the US has proven to be unreliable and untrustworthy. The people arguing that china is authoritarian and hence shouldn't be trusted should just look at the us which is currently run by nazis.