Yeah, PugJesus is right
Driving a car is a sin, and the gods will punish all of us for your hubris. They'll send droughts, famines, floods, fires, and hurricanes to smite us all because you drove a car.
Is that why you let Trump win the election, cut aid to Ukraine, and propose to colonise Gaza?
Oh great, we've got an internet truther here.
Mate, the internet exists. It's part of reality. It's not a fantasy otherworld.
I hope you told her that consensus reality is a social construct and the real world doesn't exist outside of being an agreement by society to promote certain values and interpretations.
I want her to start running right now. Fascism is here, we can't afford to wait.
Social interaction is magic. You have an organ for creating special waves that transmit your thoughts into other people's heads? That's just telepathy. Language is a superpower. And it only works because everyone believes a bunch of vibrating air molecules can have meaning, which is some spiritual woo-woo.
Comforting people with your voice is a form of magic and atheists don't believe in magic, so they haven't developed any incantations.
Spoilered content
Psychiatrist never diagnosed him with ASD. Psychiatrist never diagnosed him with NPD. It's all rumours and stereotypes. He wants the sympathetic stereotype, Lemmy users who think they're leftists want the unsympathetic stereotype. How about we leave stereotypes out of the conversation to talk about the piece of shit he actually is, instead of which neurodivergencies we think we can use as weapons against him?
I agree, the people who let Trump win are liberals, and they are desperate to blame someone else.