Here, ¡¡¡¡, you can have some of mine. I barely use them these days anymore.
Spanish has opening question and exclamation marks, you would put this inverted interrobang at the beginning of your questclanation as in '⸘Por qué no los dos‽'.
Ah ok. I guess I'll have to find the optimal temperature for the hot sand some other way, you know just in case (for minecraft of course).
Have you walked barefoot on sand in a hot summer day? I guess this is much much worse and all over your body.
Why stop at boiling water temperature? Sand can get much hotter. Was the improvement in damage not worth the time required to heat it more?
Wavy-swirly is the best one.
Can you not? Is that an android thing or an America thing?
My tape measure has millimeter divisions? In fact til 5cm (I think, might be 10. I'll check tomorrow) it has 0.5 mm lines too.
I mean I would use another tool probably, but if I only had my tape measure it would do unless the changes are smaller than like 0.25 mm.
Ha ha. But seriously men's lives are just worth less than women's so society as a whole spends them much more lightly.
All Cats Are Beautiful! Or ACAB for shorts.
She just was the purple power ranger.
There's plenty of room from boiling water temperature to the ~2000°C (3632°F) needed to melt sand. At 600°C it'd be still solid but also could set the things it touches on fire.