It's just that punctuation is not meant to be used in titles.
English has a bunch of weird rules.
It's just that punctuation is not meant to be used in titles.
English has a bunch of weird rules.
Anywhere Tesla can cut corners and save money, they do. The real reason they don't use it is lidar is expensive but lying about self driving is free.
Because if a website doesn't work in your browser, but it works in everyone else's, no one will say "oh that website's badly written", instead they say "what a shitty browser".
So you have a huge web standard you have to respect, and then all the websites with non standard code you have to make work anyway.
Accelerated Firefox timeline.
That used to have a picture of an actual Phoenix and then a red panda before it got streamlined.
If ladybird keep going at this rate, everyone will be trying to cancel them by the middle of next week
Just pick a random small instance. The catch is that larger instances that don't block spam instances are probably going to have their own spam problem and get blocked by other networks.
I had a quick look and doesn't seem to block or be blocked by anyone, according to this list:
The real trick is the fact that both of these do damage, and you can't afford to ignore either.
Signaling to the police that the executive branch has your back and will support you when you kill poor black men is going to get people straight up murdered.
You're in a car. There's probably a charging port there. Sucks if you don't have a phone, but it sucked before when you didn't have change.
Parking has always been a privilege not a right, and if you're not prepared you're going to get a ticket.
I get that it's annoying but if my phone broke and I suddenly had to pay for parking with coins, I don't know what I'd do either. Everything is cashless now, where would I get coins from?
I mean if everything is ephemeral and the users are anonymous and don't log in, the federation wouldn't actually do anything.
Yeah but parking has always been bad.
You had to carry change. Meters were always out of order or would just eat your change without issuing a ticket, and the people checking never gave a shit and would give you a fine anyway.
My only complaint is the app, everyone should offer a website or an app, but if you're going to park there a few times an app does make sense.
Because they're fucking stupid.
I can pick up a phone in either hand and type on it using only that hand, and I can play games using both hands at once. If I'm using a bracer, it means I can't do anything else with either hand or use my off hand to interact with it.
The only problem a bracer solves is not having pockets, but even then you still need to wear a bracer.
The rest of Europe makes fun of the UK too.
Just make sure you've got insurance, and they'll be doing you a favor.