Of all the things wrong with this photo it was the comma that pisse me off most!
In America, here in France is a right nationwide ✊
It’s just an excuse to vent, it them having to fight an actual person an probably get thier ass kicked. It’s just people being basic.
Ah America, bigger is always a better isn’t it?
Settlers of Catan and Risk.
It’s quite possible that he was paid to plug TiVo……it really wouldn’t surprise me.
For me it’s not that it’s “better” it’s just not the cesspit that Reddit has become. It’s certainly better for avoiding mindless negativity.
Fuck. I thought they meant kimcartoon. Phew, carry on, carry on.
Duck me, I remember well the days of ducking….and pussyfooting.
Hate is an irrational emotion.
Just offer to wash the vegetables, who says no to that?
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Just add more electrolytes, duh.