On Google Fi the watch data "piggy backs" on the phone's data. You still need a phone + phone plan.
The more options and configuration the more to support by the developers and more likely for problems to arise due to odd side effects of various options combinations.
This is one of the few things keeping me from getting a family plan and switching everyone over.
Joke's on you, I play Dota.
Valve releasing a competitive game doesn't prevent you from doing this. I for one am excited by the potential of this game. Then again, I've been playing Dota for 10 years so maybe I'm just a masochist.
That's because that's exactly what they are.
No, no, the real problem is video games... and Dungeons & Dragons... and the mall of course... and comic books... and...
ARM is RISC (or at least a version of it).
Mullvad got rid of their port forwarding.
So did IVPN. Use Proton VPN now.
Sunshine/Moonlight should perform better than Gamestream at the default settings.Try turning down your bitrate. 4K will work fine at 100Mbps.
Companies having a geographic monopoly over access to the internet doesn't change the fact that the Internet as a whole is decentralized.
That being said, yes, something should be done about ISPs.