And those evil fuckers (I'm a teacher, relax) will absolutely make fun of you
I mean, cyberpunk (the genre and the game) is largely a comment on the dire consequences of capitalism and corporate greed, aka. our current shitty timeline. If you want to look in an even more horrifying mirror, go watch Mr Robot.
Oh no, not the Trans Nerds burning all the Nazi Cars, whatever shall we do . . .
Japan still generally places more emphasis on quality over shitting out shiny new, overpriced garbage as fast as possible
Language is just so much more interesting when you start ignoring all the weird, stuffy rules
Right now I think its basically zero chance, BUT we are absolutely hurtling face-first into that exact reality.
It's our extremely unfortunate job right now to fight these fascist Cunts and do our best to prevent this reality from coming to be. I get that that is downright terrifying, but if we give in to that fear and bury our heads in the sand, doesn't kinda mean they win?
Might be some geographical issues (perhaps of the ocean variety) with this proposal
I side-loaded Mint for a couple hours just to goof around, and then . . . never booted Windows again, quite literally forgot it was installed three days later
The Cunt's really trying to take over the world by merely whining about it like a spoiled brat discovering happy meal toys
Vagina Sponges then
Nah, they'll peace out as soon as the bulldozers show up