The photo I uploaded shows in a lower resolution I have. Any recommendations on why to upload for all the pixels?
I’m not defending a ‘shiti’ healthcare regime. I’m mocking you for being so mentally dense. I can hate our healthcare system and your abysmal trolling at the same time. Plus I don’t have to go around putting words in others mouths.
Ah yes, the extremely specific context of…turning 18? I’m happy that you’ve never needed to develop reading comprehension dear, maybe spend more time paying attention to your high school teachers.
I live in California, so there was a lot of bemoaning the rising minimum wage.
“Why should someone flipping burgers earn as much as I do in a trade field?”
Mate, you should be arguing for increased wages, not trying to keep others down.
Me going to another city because a car hit me and the ambulance that arrived was contracted by a hospital in another city.
Watters is a creep
Watters, 43, shared the memory about his wife Emma DiGiovine, 29, during an episode of his panel series The Five last week, where he told his colleagues that he had relied on the tactic to get close to his then-colleague.
“When I was trying to get Emma to date me, first thing I did, uh, I let the air out of her tyres,” Watters claimed. “She couldn’t go anywhere, she needed a lift. I said: ‘Hey, you need a lift?’ She hopped right in the car.”
I’m not normally a Sondheim fan, but his musical ‘Assassins’ is pretty good. Just a random thought
I finally got a message from them 3 min ago. I was worried I wasn’t cool enough 🥲
Not active duty or a vet, but have had a lot of family in the forces;
Their duty is to uphold the constitution and protect the nation ostensibly, so they’d be obligated to refuse an illegal order. Realistically you won’t see that play out amongst the rank and file in part due to the culture of ‘discipline’ in the US military, and also the reality of court martial/dishonourable discharge. If something like this did occur it would likely be the five and/or four star generals that make the call. Now you have two powerful factions at odds with potentially catastrophic results.
Either way there’s gonna be court martials.
That’s a pretty ‘fuck you, I got mine’ attitude
That’s just girls being girls tbh
Added on to this is how ATC is immediately blamed. From my understanding of the crash earlier this year ATC had received all-clears but the helicopter had visual on the wrong jet. Imagine doing your job to the best of your ability and still being blamed for something outside of your control.