
joined 2 months ago

What a fucking shill. I’m downloading this right now.

Yep. Edge for work, Safari for personal.

Look they just don’t actually know how to make money out of it.

My intuition is that they should simply charge $3-5 per month and most users would probably choose it over every else if they prioritize privacy as a part of the sub. But I guess they are too afraid to charge for a browser.

Everything Arc does, Edge does as well. Is just not as pretty .

This is so cyberpunk.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

This is probably in preparation for the handheld and the new Xbox which supposedly will be a literal PC. If MS can sell me a PC that performs like the series X and runs Steam for $500 I’m buying it no questions asked.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (5 children)

Damn she didn’t get her tubes tied after plopping out two gremlins? Yeesh.

Edit: simmer down guys, it was a fucking joke.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It’s not validating them it’s about not letting them fester in the shadows where they can create social unrest like they are doing now. And it is a difference in opinion in a few ways, like I don’t hate trans people but I for the life of me no matter what cannot state that trans women are the same as a assigned at birth women. The fact that I had to sit and think for a moment there about which words to use so that it cannot be twisted through rhetoric highlights that. I have no hate against trans people though, I’ve even been involved with one. But to say that they are the same? I can’t trick my brain that way especially if they don’t pass. So you might say that it is a fact that trans women are women, but due to the lack of hard scientific evidence of that (and of what my own two eyes tell me) Im just gonna call it an opinion and disagree with you.

Also the reason the echo chambers are allowed to grow is because you live in a country in which freedoms of expression is a right, an almost holy one one would think, so it’s legal to say whatever hateful thing you want and be a part of hate groups. It’s enshrined in the constitution and that’s not gonna change. There’s no legal basis to disrupt them unless they act on their rhetoric.

The best you can do is not let them control the narrative and give them the spotlight a little in places where they will meet resistance so they can embarrass themselves like they always do. We used to bring the KKK on tv and they basically stopped existing for a long while after that.

This idea that letting someone speak in a forum is validating their opinions is ridiculous and is the reason we are where we are.

And the democrats stay silent which is an admission of their support. The republicans will keep twisting this knife like they always do with cultural issues ,and it will keep winning them points unless democrats come out and speak plainly against these issues or at least take the most neutral of stances. People dislike it so much they they’d rather vote for Trump or not at all than support trans women in sports or transitioning minors. This is the line that a lot of “common sense” liberals won’t cross and they so happen to be the kind of voters that win elections. I’m sorry to say but the trans community will need to keep fighting for at least a decade or two more I think.

Linguistic and logical gymnastics are not convincing. Just because you can do cartwheels around the definition of a woman doesn’t mean that you are correct and it just makes you much less likely to convince someone who is not convinced because it comes off as a bad faith argument or a straw man . Trans women are not the same as women that are born women. If you begin the conversation from there then you might be able to win more support from the so called “everyday American”. If you can’t then nothing will change.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It’s not a mode of thinking it’s a fact. As of this moment there’s no one who is even close to being a competitor to them. I’m not saying there can’t be one, but there isn’t one right now.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I don’t know, the man is hard to read. I’m extremely cynical and I don’t believe he’s genuine ever, but he gave an interview recently and he did choke up when asked how he was managing to run his companies. I don’t think he’s as good an actor to fake that.

The best conclusion I have arrived is that the man may well be completely self deluded and he might really believe himself the savior of mankind so he needs to get us to mars by any means necessary. Maybe because of the heavy drug use and obvious sleep deprivation, his sense of reality is probably warped. Or maybe the pressure from the Twitter purchase got to him and he broke because that’s when he absolutely went bonkers. He had to overleverage himself in order to do that and he even took money from the saudis.

All in all I don’t expect things to end well for him.


Since Meta announced they would stop moderating posts much of the mainstream discussion surrounding social media has been centered on whether a platform has a responsibility or not for the content being posted on their service. Which I think is a fair discussion though I favor the side of less moderation in almost every instance.

But as I think about it the problem is not moderation at all: we had very little moderation in the early days of the internet and social media and yet people didn’t believe the nonsense they saw online, unlike nowadays were even official news platforms have reported on outright bullshit being made up on social media. To me the problem is the godamn algorithm that pushes people into bubbles that reinforce their correct or incorrect views; and I think anyone with two brain cells and an iota of understanding of how engagement algorithms works can see this. So why is the discussion about moderation and not about banning algorithms?

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