I'm good with hot food, to the point I actually occasionally use nasty sauces like the infamous Da Bomb on things I legitimately eat, but I'll never get people that say sriracha isn't hot.
Maybe I buy a special one or something, or it varies wildly from person to person, but i like to put a good juicy squirt of sriracha on my cheese sandwiches and it definitely still clears my sinuses quite effectively.
I don't disagree, but I don't see the reason in tempting/inviting work to spawn. Especially in the cases where windows itself is optional.
I also think it's interesting you're not convinced it's a reasonable risk. I've had updates break things on clients under my control on several occasions, particularly post Windows 7 with the bigger feature releases.
It's definitely a "when", and not an "if" to me.
It's also worth pointing out Microsoft has already actively been working against allowing you to bypass the requirements. It's very clear to me they want to go towards some kind of hardware lifecycle management and I would definately not put it past them they deliberately make windows stop working on unsupported platforms at some point.