I wanna have two usernames, one for personal and one for online so I don’t want people to be able to google search my username and see everything. I do like this username though lol.
East Asia means the East side of Asia. It’s not Eurocentric, but Asiacentric because it’s literally the East part of Asia.
You also need people on that land, and have to keep them content
What do I do with my old foot then?
Yeah they’re a 5/10. They’re better than mine though, but I can somewhat see how someone may not know what your 5 is (emphasis on somewhat).
For me it’s:
9 looks like 0
0 looks like 9
5 looks like S
6 looks like b
I’d like to see too. My 5’s look like S’s so usually people can’t discern it when I write the number in writing.
I know. I don’t like iOS. I’m switching to android for my next phone.
Ahh ok. I guess I kinda got lost in the thread somewhere. Thanks for letting me know. Ignore my previous comment.
Spending more money on more staff for checking the validity of advertisements can affect small businesses more because they have less money.
Ohhhhh that makes more sense. I’ve always seen the trail stuff in the sky for most of my life, just didn’t ever ask why that’s there and what made it. I’ve never been able to look closely enough to see what was causing the trail.
Thanks I’ll follow this advice