
joined 5 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

No, you tell the time by staring into the parts of the sky that aren't the sun, and use that to figure out where the sun is.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

This means prehistoric humans persistence-hunting wolves is canonical to the crazyness2400verse.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

They're literally building bunkers though. The bunkers are for literally going and hiding in a hole like Saddam Hussein.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Building more housing helps, but building new housing will remain expensive for as long as land is expensive, so it's vital that we avoid wasting land. Which means density.

Some people read "density" and think "ah, taller buildings!", but that's only half the picture - you can save tremendous amounts of space by improving horizontal density - look at how dense OP's one storey housing is, by shrinking the houses, and by ditching the front yard and dedicated sidewalks.

Except, most of the space is still empty! Those streets are oversized (take a look at traditional cities, most streets are under 20ft wide (6m wide) wall-to-wall), and the houses all have gaps next to them which look big enough to fit (or almost fit) another house. So you could easily more-than-double the density without even going up, assuming the housing isn't car-centric (I'm guessing those empty spots might be car parks, and the streets are overly wide because they're for cars).

If this sounds nitpicky, it's not: building one-storey houses is dirt cheap; imagine trying to make a portable two-storey tent. It even makes it realistically possible to remove developers from the equation, without too much going horribly wrong. It just needs to be efficient with the land it uses.

240sqft = 22.3sqm

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

If you insulate against noise properly, you won't.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

Bullet Heaven is an old bullet-hell game playable here. Naming the genre that is stupid.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Bullet Heaven is the name of an existing game, don't clobber it with a genre name.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Here's some better advice for protestors/saboteurs: DO NOT CONFESS TO YOUR CRIMES ON SOCIAL MEDIA

You hit abandoned buildings and street signs? Ohhhh no sirree, SOME UNKNOWN PERSON hit abandoned buildings and street signs. No idea who it was. Not one clue.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

More than anything the trade embargo with DPRK needs to be lifted, same with Cuba

Forgetting the DPRK for a sec, the Cuba comment is right, right? AFAICT the main reason the US embargoes Cuba is because Florida is a swing state and lifting the embargo would piss off the Cuban-American voters who hate Castro with a burning passion.

In other words, shitty politics.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

There are currently more empty homes in the US than there are homeless people. There are roughly 30 empty units for each homeless person.

There are plenty of entire ghost towns they can move into for free right now, but nobody will because the housing needs to be near the jobs.

Some of those units are being renovated, some are in the process of being sold or leased, some are being lived in but the owners are on vacation. The latter is especially true for summer homes, which are empty most of the year but wouldn't be useful to homeless people because they're nowhere near the jobs - that's the point of a holiday home!

Seriously, if it were just homes then you can get something really basic for $20k. The real problem is the land and the permission to build.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

They disrupted the status quo back in 2003 (2001?), then in 2009 they were doing Linux ports, then in ~2015 they were doing HTPC stuff (and also funding Linux graphic driver dev the entire time, Linux gaming in its current state would not exist without Valve), there was their Steam Machine experiment somewhere in there (it flopped but that doesn't make it cost any less), then they were doing Steam Deck stuff. They're still paying Linux graphic devs BTW.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah, Steam is a monopoly, but 1) they've been a monopoly since forever and there hasn't been a Comcast-ish disaster, and 2) more competition doesn't seem to actually benefit us here but could potentially make things a lot worse.

In principle, Steam is a Sword Of Damocles just like any other Monopoly. In practice, the alternatives are EA and Epic, no thank you (I know itch.io is a good competitor, but they don't have any pull on AAA publishers so I don't expect them to take the market if Steam implodes).

Also, Valve is innovating in ways that nobody else seems willing to - not just their Linux ports (represent!), but also their attempts on HTPC gaming (which was unnecessarily a huge pain in the ass on PC, for no good reason) and their steam controller. And their portable PC gaming with the Steam deck (which to be fair GPD probably did first).

All in all, I'm happy to pay the Steam tax for what they're doing. I have no illusions that Epic Games Store would provide serious competition in terms of the goodies I want, because they already aren't, and they're still in their sweetheart phase.

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